Hi Galder,
My (superficial) understanding of the HR v1.0 and v1.1 is that clients
will actually derive the CH of the cluster based on the received member
address list + virtual node info.
Now with in the new CH algo we do not use the address of members in the
computation and the concept of virtual nodes has vanished.
So my feeling is we need a HR v1.2 where the full CH (the routing table)
si sent to the client as you said. Are you worried about sending the
routing table for reasons other than backward compatibility?
Regarding backward compat, I know Dan Berindei has done some wizardry
there to be able to support old clients, but I do not know any details.
He will hopefully clear things up, and it seems we also need to update
the HR protocol wiki page regarding this aspect.
On 08/15/2012 01:02 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
First of all, code apart, the document that Adrian has written is
very well written, clear, concise and with loads of important information. So kudos to
Adrian for the write up!
Now, onto the contents. I'm not yet finished reading the doc, the following comes
"The hash of the address of a node no longer participates in the computation of the
Hmmm, sounds like this is gonna break the Hot Rod protocol:
The hash code of each node was sent back to the clients as part of the topologies so that
they could locate which node has the keys.
Seems like we're now gonna have to send that routing table back to Hot Rod clients?
On Aug 15, 2012, at 11:24 AM, Adrian Nistor wrote:
> Hi,
> I managed to rewrite the old NBST design document and created a v2 [1]
> that should cover the interesting aspects. I'm not sure I managed to
> make it intelligible and sound enough, but this is the best I could do
> after several attempts at rewriting :)
> Please read it. Your feedback is welcome!
> The old document is still there [2] for now but should not be relied
> upon. I kept it because some parts of it might still be relevant and
> could be moved to v2 doc, but I don't think they are essential in
> understading the code of our pull request. Dan, could you have a look if
> there are any bits that we need to move to v2?
> Thanks,
> Adrian
> [1]
> [2]
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Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache
infinispan-dev mailing list