I created
https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JGRP-989 to dynamically add
members to TCPPING.initial_hosts, this is done via a bounded list. This
should help with merges ... actually it does, I tested it.
But this won't work:
* initial_hosts=A,B
* Start A: {A}
* Start B: {A,B}
* Start C: {A,B,C}
* Kill A and B: {C}
* Start D: {D} *not* {C,D} !
The reason is that D won't ping C because it only knows about A and B in
Again, the idea of TCPPING is that this is a static list of servers, in
a static environment. If you want dynamically changing clusters, use
either MPING (if multicasting is enabled) or TCPGOSSIP.
Bela Ban wrote:
In the 2.8 version, you must list *all* servers in the cluster in
TCPPING.initial_hosts ! We will not be able to send messages to any
server not in this list because we don't have its physical address !
We've been discussing this on the jg-dev list recently, and an idea is
to add new servers not in the list to the list dynamically. Question
is when to remove them...
While this is beeing discussed, I suggest you use MPING for the time
Manik Surtani wrote:
> Guys I am seeing problems here again.
> Vladimir, you mentioned the problems you saw earlier had to do with
> nodes not being in the initial TCPPING discovery list.
> In one of my dist rehash tests, I see this as well, although I don't
> think it has to do with the initial discovery list.
> The test (will be in SVN soon) is
> o.i.distribution.RehashTest#testNoDataLoss()
> The test starts 3 caches, populates state. So far so good.
> Adds 3 more caches to the cluster. Now here, in the process of
> adding these, some of the original nodes cannot "see" some new nodes
> even though views have been installed, leading to dropped packets.
> (the next part of the test kills the 3 original nodes, but the test
> never gets this far).
> This is the sort of message we see in the logs. Wonder if the "no
> physical address" bit sheds any light. (Note that the JGroups
> address has been replaced with CACHE1..CACHE6 in the logs for
> readability)
> 2009-06-11 11:28:59,854 WARN [org.jgroups.protocols.TCP]
> (OOB-6,Infinispan-Cluster,CACHE3) no physical address for CACHE5,
> dropping message
> Also, just so you know, this works perfectly well with JGroups 2.7.0.GA.
> Any thoughts/ideas?
> Cheers
> --
> Manik Surtani
> manik(a)jboss.org
> Lead, Infinispan
> Lead, JBoss Cache
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Bela Ban
Lead JGroups / Clustering Team
JBoss - a division of Red Hat