On 9 Jun 2009, at 13:43, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
On 6/8/09 2:36 PM, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
> On 6/8/09 6:25 AM, jason.greene(a)redhat.com wrote:
>> Sure, just like it is now. Of course you don't even need Dom. The
>> advantage of jaxb is that it will keep the parsing logic and
>> schema in synch. Manual approaches tend to be a bit more brittle
>> and limited, just like the current approach. Unless of course you
>> take the time to do it right, but that is no small task.
> Exactly. It has to be done properly. I will post details of a
> proposed solution for a peer review before I blindly continue on.
I looked through code, current configuration bean classes, and here
is what we currently have. Each complex xml element (has nested
elements) from configuration file is represented by one
configuration bean class. Furthermore, we have many cases where one
bean class at the same time models multiple simple child xml
elements (has only attributes, no nested elements). For example,
configuration and global xml elements are represented by
Configuration and GlobalConfiguration beans, while at the same time
both Configuration and GlobalConfiguration beans represent at least
a dozen other simple xml elements, children of global and
configuration elements. This is totally ok and probably done for
sake of simplicity and convenience.
I think we need at least two annotations. ConfigurationElement
annotation matches xml element. ConfigurationElement annotating a
bean class captures the fact that the certain bean represents
certain xml element from configuration. Of course, each bean class
can have more than one ConfigurationElement annotation thus matching
our model. ConfigurationAttribute annotation matches xml attribute.
ConfigurationAttribute annotates setter of bean method and can only
annotate a method where a matching parent ConfigurationElement is
declared. I am not sure about the final details for attributes of
these annotations but here are the sketches.
@Target( { ElementType.TYPE})
public @interface ConfigurationElement {
String parent();
String description() default "";
Class<?> readParserClass() default Void.class;
A parent of "infinispan" denotes a root, I suppose? And this would be
hard-coded in your doclet, etc?
What about multiplicity? E.g., you can have several <namedCache ... /
elements under <infinispan ... />.
@Target( { ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface ConfigurationAttribute {
String parentElement();
String name();
String allowedValues() default "";
String defaultValue() default "";
String description() default "";
parentElement -> element? Attributes don't have parents. :)
AllowedValues - I am guessing this is not used for validation, but
instead a simple message for generated docs? Otherwise this starts to
look a lot like JSR-303.
Output configuration documentation algorithm
find all annotated configuration bean classes
sort beans by path (breadth-first or whatever)
for each annotated bean
resolve all annotated ConfigurationElement(s)
for each ConfigurationElement
output needed metadata
find matching ConfigurationAttribute children from annotated
setter methods of bean class
for each ConfigurationAttribute
output needed metadata
end for
end for
end for
Sounds good.
Read xml configuration algorithm
element = dom global element
beanGlobal = visitElement(element)
element = dom configuration element
beanConfiguration = visitElement(element)
ConfigurationBean visitElement(Dom element)
find configuration bean with matching path name and create instance
of it
reflect all bean setter methods that are annotated and store
annotation references
traverse dom element children and match them to stored setter bean
- if parameter for bean setter method is a simple type
invoke bean setter with converted String attribute value read
from xml
- else
invoke bean setter with returned value of visitElement(element)
return bean
Sounds good as well. I presume you will also have a step to generate
an XSD schema based on these rules?
Also, as a preference thing, I recommend addressing ISPN-89 first,
since ISPN-96 seems like a lot of additional work. With -89 in place,
we would at least have proper generated documentation sooner. :)
After this, you should also write a short wiki page on how to add
configuration options. (E.g., create getter and setter in
Configuration, and annotate accordingly)
Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache