Fwd: [Bug 342903] Improving m2e performance [AS 7 dev]
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I know some are hating m2eclipse (for both the right and wrong reasons ;) but
just wanted to let you know that Snjezana have been using AS 7 code base
to performance test m2e and that have resulted in a good set of patches
being made and she are in the progress of getting them accepted and
applied to m2e.
The latest ones brings AS 7 project configuration from 30 seconds down to
10 on her setup.
You should be seeing these improvements show up in m2e 0.13.0.M7
Begin forwarded message:
> From: bugzilla-daemon(a)eclipse.org
> Date: April 20, 2011 21:48:08 GMT+02:00
> To: max.andersen(a)jboss.com
> Subject: [Bug 342903] Improving m2e performance
> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=342903
> Product/Component: m2e / core
> --- Comment #48 from Snjezana Peco <snjeza.peco(a)gmail.com> 2011-04-20 15:48:02 EDT ---
> Now Maven>Update Project Configuration is much faster.
> The jboss-as-parent project is updated for less than 10 sec.
> Before applying these patches, it took over 30 sec to update this project.
> --
> Configure bugmail: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/userprefs.cgi?tab=email
> ------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
> You are watching the reporter.
13 years, 9 months
Intermittent OSGI smoke test failures -- WAS: [jbossas-pull-requests] Fix JBAS-9323, JBAS-9209, JBAS-9325
by Brian Stansberry
I thought it was a weird local problem on one of my 2 checkouts, but
that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm now frequently seeing intermittent
failures in smoke tests in the embedded.osgi package.
My previous post in this thread has output files attached for a failed
SimpleDeploymentProviderTestCase. I'm attaching here output from a
just-failed SimpleArchiveDeployerTestCase. The failure mode looks to be
the same.
On 4/26/11 2:05 AM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
> It was by mistake - sorry.
> What is the test failure? I don't see it in master up to
> 4a4ea34 Restore commons beanutils
> ae1c045 [JBAS-9340] Separate the HTTP server management from the context
> handlers.
> edb70f5 Remove the old confusing domain api msg
> On 04/26/2011 12:09 AM, Brian Stansberry wrote:
>> This causes a smoke test regression in an osgi test, so perhaps the
>> removal wasn't by mistake??
>> The test output is attached. Thomas, do you have any idea why
>> restoring the module for commons-beanutils would break your test?
>> On 4/24/11 5:29 PM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
>>> Please cherry-pick
>>> https://github.com/asoldano/jboss-as/commit/9f391fd08aca4f27a95205927c235...
>>> Thanks
>>> Alessio
>>> On 04/20/2011 11:04 AM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
>>>> The merge of
>>>> https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/commit/c18db0e0c760192178e5ff6e8c370f...
>>>> is causing a WS regressions, as it erroneously removed the
>>>> org.apache.commons.beanutils module from the build (it's most
>>>> probably a
>>>> conflict resolution issue,
>>>> https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as/commit/c18db0e0c760192178e5ff6e8c370f...)
>>>> I'll prepare a patch once the nexus repo is up and I can build the
>>>> latest upstream/master...
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Alessio
>>>> On 04/20/2011 04:45 AM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
>>>>> Merged!
>>>>> On 4/14/11 3:18 PM, Thomas Diesler wrote:
>>>>>> Folks,
>>>>>> please pull
>>>>>> https://github.com/jbosgi/jboss-as/commit/256c742441b2a6a3607f6d23ea1d0a4...
>>>>>> 256c742 [JBAS-9325] Update OSGi Framework to use MSC services for
>>>>>> plugins and bundles
>>>>>> ff7f6a6 Add a simple @ArchiveDeployer test case
>>>>>> 1e3526b [JBAS-9209] Consider storing OSGi bundles outside the modules
>>>>>> hirarchy
>>>>>> [JBAS-9323] Add ability to register modules with the OSGi layer
>>>>>> on framework s
>>>>>> 881063d [JBAS-9305] ARQ tests using ArchiveDeployer may hang in
>>>>>> deployment API
>>>>>> Adding a timeout when getting the ServerDeploymentPlanResult
>>>>>> e9c92f5 Add notion of additional system services provided by
>>>>>> SystemServicesProvider
>>>>>> 14548a3 Rearch basic AS7 integration
>>>>>> ad17008 Install bundle services in the context of the deployment
>>>>>> 5b5b894 Fix circular dependency with FrameworkModuleProvider
>>>>>> eb5a31f Upgrade OSGi subsystem to jboss-modules-1.0.0.Beta16,
>>>>>> jboss-msc-1.0.0.Beta7
>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>> -thomas
>> _______________________________________________
>> jbossas-pull-requests mailing list
>> jbossas-pull-requests(a)lists.jboss.org
>> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/jbossas-pull-requests
> --
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Thomas Diesler
> JBoss OSGi Lead
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat
13 years, 9 months
path for common libraries
by Francesco Marchioni
Dear AS devs,
I was looking at the structure of the Beta3 release. Both standalone and
domain contain a "lib/ext" path. Is it intended as replacement for
common/lib of earlier JBoss AS releases ?
Later on I'd like to extract Classloading information for classes loaded in
this path and see how it compares with the libraries loaded in the "modules"
repository. Will post a follow-up.
13 years, 9 months
[AS7-664] Proposed changes for the HTTP Server
by Darran Lofthouse
Working with the HTTP server I have a need in some places to maintain
some state with the connection from the client.
With the current implementation I can detect the host and port of the
client but there are no guarantees that a second administrator could not
end up with the same values after the first disconnects so this proposed
change is to associate some attributes with the physical connection.
For the httpserver the changes are here: -
In addition to the changes to add a new get/setAttribute method with a
scope parameter I have also moved the remaining classes to an org.jboss
package - the reason being that although for the runtime the modified
classes are easily picked up leaving them in the old package causes
plenty of issues in IDEs, test cases and compilation.
Once the HTTP server is updated the AS source can be updated to use the
modified classes: -
(If these changes are accepted it may also be time to get the httpserver
under jbossas, at the moment this is based on the copy under dmlloyd)
Darran Lofthouse.
13 years, 9 months
Important JIRA Project Change!
by Jason T. Greene
Hello Everyone,
Due to feedback from the community, which expressed interest in
continuing work on 6.x, as well existing problems we have with major
version segmentation, we have moved to a separate project per major
version strategy. This allows us to have completely separate policies,
workflows, components, and leads. It also solves the noise problem that
lead to my original changes. As part of this I have reopened all 6.x
(and earlier) issues which are a year or less old.
As Shelly previously announced, while we are focused primarily on 7, we
plan to do a 6.1 release once the issues assigned to it are completed
(send patches to speed it up!!). After this we will leave issues open
for those wanting to contribute to 6.x. Future releases may still be
possible if someone in the community wants to step up and lead them. If
that happens we can now easily assign assign them as a component leads
for one of the AS6 components.
So now all AS7 issues are here:
All AS6 (and earlier) issues are in the old project
Jason T. Greene
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
13 years, 9 months
Shutting down server is producing dependencies error
by Scott Stark
Shutting down the current 7.0.0.Beta3 release produces these seemingly
spurious dependency errors:
16:29:21,566 INFO [org.jboss.as] (MSC service thread 1-1) JBoss AS
7.0.0.Beta3 "Salyut" started in 3457ms - Started 100 of 147 services (47
services are passive or on-demand)
16:29:22,438 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] (MSC service thread 1-2)
Service status report
New missing/unsatisfied dependencies:
service jboss.txn.UserTransaction (missing)
16:29:22,459 INFO [org.jboss.as.logging] Restored bootstrap log handlers
16:29:22,468 INFO [com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx] ARJUNA-32018 Destroying
16:29:22,469 INFO [com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx] ARJUNA-32014 Stopping
transaction recovery manager
16:29:22,478 INFO [org.hornetq.core.server.impl.HornetQServerImpl]
HornetQ Server version 2.1.2.Final (Colmeia, 120) stopped
16:29:22,490 INFO [org.jboss.as.connector.subsystems.datasources]
Removed JDBC Data-source [java:/H2DS]
16:29:22,491 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] Service status report
Newly corrected services:
service jboss.logging.handler.CONSOLE (no longer required)
service jboss.txn.UserTransaction (no longer required)
16:29:22,495 INFO [org.jboss.as] JBoss AS 7.0.0.Beta3 "Salyut" stopped
in 0ms
13 years, 9 months
newbee needing help
by Brian Millett
Sorry to break the "Changes to .jsp in an exploded deployment" thread,
but I've some very simple questions.
I've downloaded the AS 7 beta 3. I can fire up the "standalone"
instance, use the cli interface to deploy war files and it is going OK.
The web interface for the standalone gives a nice page, however none of
the links work. Work in progress I know.
The "domain" is another issue. I can fire it up just fine. I've read
many posts that the only way to deploy is via the admin-console. I've
tried the web interface localhost:9990/console, but that does nothing.
Meaning it does not return anything. I'll admit that I did not try the
cli interface because the domain is supposed to have all of those
interfaces active (or so says the posts).
Question: How do I get started with the domain instance?
Brian Millett - [ Laurel Takeshima (to G'Kar), "The Gathering"]
"If it makes you feel any better, I can send them a fruit basket."
13 years, 9 months
Re: [jboss-as7-dev] deploying a war - jboss-classloading.xml
by David M. Lloyd
Inline again... and, adding the list since it fell off...
On 04/13/2011 06:30 PM, denstar wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 3:19 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
> ...
>> On 04/13/2011 03:41 PM, denstar wrote:
> ...
>>> With AS5 I'd put something like this:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <classloading xmlns="urn:jboss:classloading:1.0" name="cfdistro"
>>> domain="DefaultDomain" export-all="NON_EMPTY" import-all="true">
>>> </classloading>
>>> into WEB-INF/jboss-classloading.xml
>> For what purpose?
> Mainly so that I don't have to delete the XML and DOM stuff that we
> ship with (xerces, dom4j, couple others that don't "play nice") to get
> 'er to deploy on AS5 . :)
OK you *should* be able to deploy things which include those kinds of
libs in AS7. At least, we specifically built support for those XML
libs, but it's not terribly well-tested, so if you are running into
specific issues we'd love to hear about it.
> So how does the XML stuff (xerces I *think* (maybe xalan- I deleted a
> bunch of libs) was the culprit-- I'll track it down further) fit in?
> Can I isolate 'er more, I guess I'm wondering? How can I achieve the
> same ease of deployment on AS7 as I did by using
> jboss-classloading.xml on AS5?
It's not really clear yet, because I'm not quite sure what the effect of
what you did is.
> I noticed that with the EAR deployment, I didn't see any "Class path
> entry in lowagie.itext.jar does not point to a valid jar for a
> Class-Path reference" warnings- but I dunno if that's just 'cause they
> were suppressed (how can I get more debugging information when
> deploying, BTW?).
The next beta should have somewhat better error reporting. By the time
we get to GA it should be fairly comprehensive.
> I'm guessing that the answer will be "no", but is there some
> documentation somewhere showing how someone could take a standard JEE
> war and "modularize" it for AS7?
Not really, I mean it's all automatic. A deployment and each of its
nested JARs become modules (more or less) and the dependencies are
automatically wired up.
13 years, 9 months
default configurations (was: Re: Changes to .jsp in an exploded deployment no longer picked up?)
by denstar
Is AS7 targeting developers or admins?
Developers and admins have a slew of different, and many times
opposing, concerns.
Take exploded vs. unexploded. As a dev, "explode away!". As an
admin, "wrap that sucker up into one file, por favor".
If we're going to choose one to target, "out of the box", which is it
going to be?
I'd rather not choose, and instead offer options... but what are
options without defaults? "A lot of work." ba dum dum.
Why not offer well documented, pre-baked configurations? Something a
bit more fine grained than "nothing" and "everything" and "web"?.
Eh. I dunno. Guess JBoss tuning is sorta a profession in itself,
neh... Do we really want to change that? ;)
I guess making standalone the "development" config is o.k., but
somehow it sorta bugs me too. Something about polluting the
difference between standalone and domain, which I don't think is so
much about internal deployment options, as it is about external
deployment stuff, if that makes sense. I'm a total newb to AS7, so,
take it with a grain of salt.
The world is a perpetual caricature of itself; at every moment it is
the mockery and the contradiction of what it is pretending to be.
George Santayana
13 years, 9 months