On 04/29/2011 12:14 AM, Remy Maucherat wrote:
On Thu, 2011-04-28 at 22:29 +0200, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> See this branch:
Ok, some things need to be fixed. You should not add the JSP for 404 (it
probably has a XSS problem because of the request URI being sent back;
any access would also create a session, thus using resources). If you
must have an error page, I'd recommend a dumb 404.html. Less fancy but
Please add comments regarding the welcome app to
I'm not a web-wizard, so I'm not going to try and do fancy (or unfancy)
stuff. :-)
> On 04/28/2011 10:19 PM, denstar wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm wondering a couple things here:
>> 1) Is there something like jboss-web.xml as far as configuring context
>> paths and whatnot? I don't recall seeing anything like that when I
>> was looking at the DTD for jboss-deployment-structure.xml, though it
>> seems a logical place, so I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it.
>> 2) Are we at a point where I can add a context for serving static
>> content from some arbitrary location on disk? If so, I'm thinking it
>> ties in with #1, so maybe this is more like one and a half questions.
>> :Den
> You can either use relative-to or path will be interpreted as an
> absolute path.