On 04/29/2011 08:41 AM, Remy Maucherat wrote:
On Fri, 2011-04-29 at 15:29 +0200, Carlo de Wolf wrote:
> Yes, we call this overlays. It is currently not yet implemented.
No, don't call this an overlay, the name is used by Servlet 3, so it
would cause confusion.
> It'll become something like:
> <deployment name="foo.war" runtime-name="foo.war">
> <fs-exploded path="deployments/foo.war"
> <fs-exploded root="/images"
> </deployment>
> The actual xml might still change a bit..
Is that transparent through VFS ? If it's not, then I don't like
Yes it is. Also I don't like the term "overlay" either! The XML looks
OK to me though.