[JBoss Seam] - Using <s:selectItems> with a list of entities
by pgmjsd
I'm passing a list of entities to <s:selectItems> and it looks like the createSelectItems() method is using using the toString() method on my entity in order to convert it to a value for the HTML rendering.
It looks like what is happening is that the NoSelectionConverter is first in the ConverterChain. This converter is returning the toString() value of the entity which causes ConverterChain.getAsString() to stop processing and return the string to
org.apache.myfaces.shared_impl.renderkit.RenderUtils.getConvertedStringValue(). The renderer then puts the toString() of the entity in the value of the option tag.
EntityConverter doesn't like this string when it comes back in the post, of course.
Has anyone seen this before? It looks like UISelectItems just doesn't work right with noSelectionLabel and an EntityConverter.
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17Â years, 11Â months