[JBoss Seam] - Re: Trinidad PPR/Ajax and Seam
by chane
I don't have a sample I can post. But I'll help you through it if I can. There might even be a better way. Here's what I did/know:
1) I used the classes dajevtic posted at the start of this thread.
- The ActionListener needs to be a subclass of the one provided by MyFaces or the Sun RI. If you know another way to plug-in an ActionListener, let me know.
- The PhaseListener is a new class
- Also, I changed the conversationID to be cid (which I believe is what 2.1.0 is using now)
2) Actually, that's pretty much it. The only other thing is: Do not use the "binding" attribute on any components. If you do, this (and a lot of other stuff) will not work. What I do is something like the following:
Component on xhtml (facelets) page:
| <tr:inputText value="#{backingBean.attribute}"
| readOnly="true"
| partialTriggers="dialog_id"/>
| <tr:commandLink action="#{backingBean.launch}"
| partialSubmit="true"
| useWindow="true"
| windowWidth="400" windowHeight="400"
| returnListener="#{backingBean.return}"
| id="dialog_id">
Backing Bean:
| public String launch(){
| return "dialog:pageName";
| }
| public void returnProduct(ReturnEvent event){
| bean.setProperty((String)event.getReturnValue());
| }
And then you need a faces-config.xml navigation entry (I have not tried this in pages.xml yet):
| <navigation-rule>
| <from-view-id>/*</from-view-id>
| <navigation-case>
| <from-outcome>dialog:pageName</from-outcome>
| <to-view-id>/path/page_dlg.its</to-view-id>
| </navigation-case>
| <navigation-rule>
Let me now if this works for you,
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17 years, 9 months