[Remoting] - Re: transporter sample fails when run a second time
by bord
To the question of which version i'm using. Answer is 2.2 GA that i downloaded a couple weeks back.
Again when I change the client to make two calls it gives me this after first call succeeds:
Exception in thread "main" junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: null
at junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:47)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue(Assert.java:20)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull(Assert.java:214)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull(Assert.java:207)
at proxy.Client.testClientCall(Client.java:32)
at proxy.Client.main(Client.java:119)
and this makes sense because as you found the Server.java would not allow a second createTransporterServer.
To me this whole example is faulty. I'd like to see the proper destroyTransporterServer called on the Customer object that the server creates so as to allow repeated Customer objects to get created.
As i have indicated I have tried to make this work but have not been successful.
thanks all.
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17 years, 9 months