Thanks for a quick reply. That was very helpful and that took care of my remote debug needs.
I have a related question though. Adding a JBoss server through the server manager lets me do so much more like start/stop servers, deploy to server etc. However if I try to create a new JBoss server through server manager, it asks for the installation directory which is a folder in the local m/c. Is it possible to use this server manager infrastructure with a jboss server installed in a different machine?
(Eclipse JBossIDE allows me to do it.)
Thanks again for your prompt response.
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Hmm, not sure if i made it clear the queues and topics all deploy without error so that leads me to believe that the ServerPeer and post-office are all working together.
Now when i deploy the application that deploys just fine in JBossMQ; with the same destinations defined in JBoss Messaging the application fails to deploy because the delegates are indicated that the queues/topics do not exist. No the exception does indicate that the queue/topic does not exist. However when i look at the JMX console they are indeed there.
So I would actually be curious to know if there is something to do with when the error occurs it doesn't use the full JNDI name. Cause the error says that a destination doesn't exist but doesn't include the /queue prefix?
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