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"Re: Human task escalation understanding"
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Hi Esteban,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
It is definitely provides me the solution how to customize escalation event . Actually
here is the solution I set up according to what you explained before , it is working fine
and I am giving the java code that can help other members to define quickly a customized
Just for information , I do not use the Servlet HumanTaskServiceServlet in my
application as mechanism for plugging cutomized task service.
Actually I am using spring configuration on my application , so at startup I am creating
the task service using the code below :
public void initialize(){
MyOwnEscalationHandler Myhandler = new MyOwnEscalationHandler();
taskService = new TaskService(emf,
SystemEventListenerFactory.getSystemEventListener(),Myhandler);// register my handler in
the task service
The class MyOwnEscalationHandler is the following
*public* *class* MyOwnEscalationHandler *implements*
EscalatedDeadlineHandler {
*public* *void* executeEscalatedDeadline(Task task, Deadline deadline,
Content content, TaskService service) {
// *TODO* Auto-generated method stub
*if* ( deadline == *null* || deadline.getEscalations() == *null*) {
System.+out+.println("**********No escalation detected**********");
*for* ( Escalation escalation : deadline.getEscalations() ) {
System.+out+.println("Deadline detected processing action ");
System.+out+.println("The task has expired , I am executing my own Deadline
// we won't impl constraints for now
// run reassignment first to allow notification to be send to new potential owners
*if* ( !escalation.getReassignments().isEmpty()) {
// get first and ignore the rest.
Reassignment reassignment = escalation.getReassignments().get( 0 );
task.getTaskData().setStatus( Status.+Ready+ );
List potentialOwners = *new* ArrayList( reassignment.getPotentialOwners() );
task.getPeopleAssignments().setPotentialOwners( potentialOwners );
task.getTaskData().setActualOwner(*new* User("Administrator"));
*for* ( Notification notification : escalation.getNotifications() ) {
System.+out+.println("****** Notify by emaill**********");
deadline.setEscalated( *true* );
Best regards,
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