[jbossws/jbossws-cxf] c9c74d: [JBWS-4183][JBWS-4184] Travis configuration change...
by jbliznak
Branch: refs/heads/master
Home: https://github.com/jbossws/jbossws-cxf
Commit: c9c74de24d8f834413f2d6b165741f23850a6247
Author: jbliznak <jbliznak(a)users.noreply.github.com>
Date: 2019-11-12 (Tue, 12 Nov 2019)
Changed paths:
M .travis.yml
M modules/testsuite/pom.xml
M pom.xml
A travis-scripts/build-wildfly.sh
M travis-scripts/jbossws-test.sh
Log Message:
[JBWS-4183][JBWS-4184] Travis configuration changes and simple elytron profile activation (#117)
* [JBWS-4184] Remove security manager matrix combination from travis
* [JBWS-4183] Split conditional WF build and tests execution so that separate timeouts could be used
- also introduce some tweaks to fix and speed up the execution
* [JBWS-4183] Ensure Elytron-enabled testing is activated predictably
- one property was defined in more profiles thus it was up to Maven
current implementation of profiles execution order;
this was error-prone so this weakness was removed by setting
the property in one profile only and now the profiles can be activated
in arbitrary order
- as the Elytron profile is relevant only to testing, it was moved to
- also option to activate profile via system property was added
5 years, 1 month