http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS-2072?page=all ]
Heiko Braun updated JBWS-2072:
Summary: Undeploy (read uninstall) targets remove libraries that are required by
the AS bootstrap (was: Undeploy (read uninstall) targets remove the jaxb API )
Uninstalling native removes the jaxb API, which is required for the AS 5 bootstrap.
Actually it's just one of them. SPI is another. Basically the target container should
remain in a state that it boot without a WS stack deployed.
was:Uninstalling native removes the jaxb API, which is required for the AS 5 bootstrap
Undeploy (read uninstall) targets remove libraries that are required
by the AS bootstrap
Key: JBWS-2072
Project: JBoss Web Services
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: jbossws-3.0.1
Environment: AS 5, CR1
Reporter: Heiko Braun
Assigned To: Thomas Diesler
Fix For: jbossws-3.0.2
Uninstalling native removes the jaxb API, which is required for the AS 5 bootstrap.
Actually it's just one of them. SPI is another. Basically the target container should
remain in a state that it boot without a WS stack deployed.
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