What user guide do you mean?
I've already read this one:
But it does not say anything about globals nor how to make a rule with
Log() (instead of System.out.println()) , so the information is added to
a logfile. The only information I've found was in de user guide of
drools flow (section 5.3)
But I'm not using ruleflow
And in de Drools Expert guide:
tml_single/index.html in section 3.3.5 there is information how to make
an audit log, which one can view via Eclipse.
But I want to make a simple log file (like a server.log) but for the
rules I've made in Guvnor. Which is in the system and testers can check
if something strange happens or pure for their own information. so they
can watch the process without any technical knowledge.
I hope you can help me further as where to find some information or
example how to use a global object that handles logging...
Or where to find the guide your talking about...
Using a "global" object that handles logging would probably be the
Look at the User Guide for use of globals.
2010/9/2 Solingen, Stephanie <stephanie.solingen(a)atosorigin.com
Can anyone give me a code example how to create a logfile when using
agent (rulebase) and statefulsession?
The goals is to replace all system.out.println(); statements in de
with Log();
(the rules are made with the Guvnor GUI, and I am using Guvnor 5.1
with a
oc4j server)
The text that is in de Log() should then appear in an existing
Thanx in advance.