  • 74 participants
  • 138 discussions
Drools Guvnor - Testing rules
by Alan
11 years
getWorkingMemoryEntryPoint returns null - two rules with same name
by ScalaEnthusiast
11 years
5.5.0-Final, persistence to MySQL
by Vytautas Gimbutas
11 years
Decision table -1 java file per rule - optimization
by jalex
11 years
How to add a Model from a Java Jar in BRMS 5.3.1 ??
by vr
11 years
having trouble using accumulate to create a list of non null objects
by burmanator
11 years
KnowledgeAgent to update knowledge base built with Guvnor pkg
by riri
11 years
Using rules in agenda as a condition in a rule
by oresch
11 years
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