UPS Java Client should support client authentication
by Stefan Miklosovic
we are doing HTTPS tests on UPS integration tests where UPS Java client is used to send some payload to UPS, it seems it is not sufficient to have only plain HTTP sender when we are sending it to HTTPS endpoint.
When JBoss AS is set up with keystore and truststore in https connector for web subsystem like this:
<connector name="https" protocol="HTTP/1.1" scheme="https" socket-binding="https" secure="true">
<ssl name="aerogear-ssl" key-alias="aerogear"
and UPS Java client sends some payload (with HttpUrlConnection, not secure connection), this exception is thown from it:
SEVERE: Send did not succeed: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
This basically means that server was not able to mark that connection as trusted.
In order to use custom trustStore and trustStorePassword, they are propagated to test like system properties
System.setProperty("", "aerogear.truststore");
System.setProperty("", "aerogear");
however any attempt to set them in test itself like that is not successful since it is "too late". When they are set like -D properties with maven, it is executed without any problems.
This does not work as well since we are not using jsse (and can not) because of this issue which was repaired in 7.1.2 and that release is not community release anymore so we can not base tests on EAP and we are running them on 7.1.1. (we can not run them on WF as well since it is not compatible with EAP but 7.1.1 is).
So this is chicken-egg problem. When verify-client is "none" plain http from UPS Java client is not validated. When we do want client authentication (verify-client=want/true), UPS sender is not https aware. Additionally, we can not use "jsse" due to JBPAPP6-711.
Stefan Miklosovic
Red Hat Brno - JBoss Mobile Platform
e-mail: smikloso(a)
irc: smikloso
10 years, 12 months
Sound issue Cordova iOS and notation
by Miguel Lemos
The sound event when the notification arrives doesn't seem to work (at
least on iPhone; Android not tested yet).
And yes: the sound plugin is installed and working just fine.
Besides, I don't understand quite well the way you build the event. Example
given by you for Android:
var my_media = new Media("/android_asset/www/" + e.sound);
..What sound? I can have several sounds on a given folder...
I think a better - and more trivial - approach would be something like this
(just an opinion...):
if (e.sound) {
if (device.platform == "Android") {
media = new Media("/android_asset/www/beep.wav");
} else if (device.platform == "iOS") {
media = new Media("beep.wav"); // root directory
Thanks guys :-)
10 years, 12 months
Kill getting started docs
by Daniel Passos
Hi folks,
For android we have some docs called 'Getting Started Guides' to help
community to import ag in your favorite IDE. I never agreed to these
documents and I don't want to keep updating it.
If the developer will work with our libraries and already uses her favorite
IDE, she probably already knows how to do that.
So, I'd like to kill these docs. wdyt?
-- Passos
10 years, 12 months
Cordova push notifications enhancement request
by Miguel Lemos
It would be very useful that, besides a sound, we could have a vibrate
option when the notification arrives to the tray.
Many people have the phone in their pockets or simply don't want to listen
a sound. A vibrate function could be very handy.
PS - Meanwhile I still don't understand what's this for:
if (e.coldstart) {
} else {
10 years, 12 months
Keycloak adapters for iOS and Android
by Stian Thorgersen
We're aiming to release beta1 of Keycloak in beginning of May. It would be great to have basic iOS and Android examples added to our demo. With that in mind I have a couple of question:
* Any chance anyone from the AeroGear team could contribute an iOS example? Something that works together with our current demo would be great, login with Keycloak and fetch/display customers list from the server is sufficient (same features as customer-portal and customer-portal-js in our demo). It would also be nice to have a small section on how to use it added to our documentation.
* Do you have an ETA when Android adapter will be ready?
* Same as for iOS, any chance to get some help with an Android example and documentation?
10 years, 12 months
Still supporting pagination?
by Daniel Passos
Hi all
After ag-controller was deprecated, are we still supporting pipe
pagination? Do we have some alternative(s) to use it in the server side?
-- Passos
10 years, 12 months
Postpone agdroid 1.4
by Daniel Passos
Hi folks,
Summers and I were thinking about postponing AeroGear Android 1.4 release
schedule from mid March to mid April to include oAuth and KC integration.
Last months we were focused on sync, updating/reviewing docs and example
apps. We have fixed some bugs, but have no new features.
So, wdyt?
10 years, 12 months