GCM Topics Support Cont.
by Summers Pittman
So the current PRs for Topics use them automatically when you subscribe to
a category. Google doesn't support delivering messages to a subset of
users over a topic. UPS has the ability to deliver messages to subsets of
category subscribers (via alias and deviceType).
I think that a suitable workaround for this would be if a message is sent
to a category, and there is a topic available, AND the message isn't
filtered based on alias or deviceType then use the topic. Otherwise the
message should be treated "normally" and use registrationId based sending
(like we do now).
And as an aside, can you guys think of other use cases where the all or
nothing nature of topics might be a problem?
9 years, 4 months
crypto release
by Erik Jan de Wit
Prepared a release branch of the crypto plugin it fixes the promise plugin
dependency and updated the crypto libs for your testing pleasure if no
issues are found I'll create a release
Erik Jan
9 years, 4 months
SimplePush Polyfill work
by Luke Holmquist
so now that WebPush is going to take over SimplePush, i'm thinking of
closing the related JIRA's that we have open for simple push in the AG-JS
Not that we've really done any work on it lately, but it would be good to
clean this up a little.
9 years, 4 months
UnifiedPush js client
by Luke Holmquist
so i decided to take a gander at the push client lib in the aerogear.js
project. Currently if someone would like to use it, they have a couple
1. download the whole lib,
2. download a custom build from the website
3. download a custom build from bower
4. create a custom build from source
In the past i think i was against breaking out pieces of the JS lib into
separate repo's since we could just use the AeroGearComponents repo i
created for custom builds. But i think with the state of the JS lib(not
sure where it's going), it might make sense to, at least with the push
lib(perhaps the simplePush polyfill also) to break those out into separate
repo's similar to the other client projects.
I think the starting vision of the project has changed, so perhaps this
change is good.(this should probably be a whole separate thread)
Now that Chrome and Safari have push in the browser, FF is getting it also
very soon, it's possible this part of the library will be used more
9 years, 4 months
cordova push plugin release
by Erik Jan de Wit
I've create a release branch (release) for your testing pleasure with the
cordova push plugin 2.0.3. 2 issues have been resolved there is now windows
platform support and a fix in the android lib that broke the categories. If
there aren't any issues reported I'll release this version
Erik Jan
9 years, 4 months