On Nov 10, 2014, at 2:34 PM, Andres Galante
<agalante(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Hi, I am starting to redesign
auroras.org. I would like your help to understand better
the product and our user.
Who is the developer that uses Aerogear? is it a hardcore developer, or someone that is
looking for a ready made solution?
I understand that we have 3 products, Core, Push and security. What is our main product?
What is a user he looking for when he gets to Aerogear? How can Aerogear help him?
At this point I would also like to build a “design persona” to have a coherent identity,
voice and styles throughout our line. If aerogear was a person, who would it be? what
voice does it have, color, typography, etc.
With this done we will make sure our websites, demos and consoles speak the same
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