Do we know plans around Cordova on Windows 8.1?
If this is something the team hasn't start to work on yet,
I would like to consider (1) or (2) (it can be just a technical preview
from AeroGear viewpoint),
but I know there are downsides.
We have also discussed possibility of having pluggability for Push Networks
- connect whatever network you want through SPI.
This way people could connect even networks that we don't want to support
from various reasons (such as unstable, obsolete dependencies or new/early
Even though modularity on the Java side is more or less a no-brainer,
modularity of Admin UI would be a harder nut.
Let me know whether this is something what would be of interest.
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 4:17 PM, Erik Jan de Wit <edewit(a)> wrote:
Currently we support windows notifications using WNS, this protocol is
only supported for windows 8.1 and currently there is a nice community
supported library that we use. This is great, but Cordova applications are
based on windows 8.0 the protocol (MPNS) is similar but different. There
isn’t a supported library so that leaves us with 4 options:
1. Create our own library to support MPNS
2. Support the latest version of this library
3. Wait for Cordova to support windows 8.1
4. Don’t support Cordova windows
What do you like best?
Erik Jan
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