OSGI has two classes/interfaces for dealing with Service Tracking -
ServiceTracker and ServiceTrackerCustomizer, which could be used to
create a OSGI-auto-discovery (and auto-cleanup)-Helper for hibernate:
A simple skeleton could look like:
package org.bibbernet.osgi;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTrackerCustomizer;
public class MyServiceTrackerCustomizer implements
ServiceTrackerCustomizer {
public Object addingService(ServiceReference reference) {
// a new service matching the criteria of the ServiceTracker
can be added to the ServiceTracker
// get the service object
Object service =
// TODO: -> add service to hibernate service registry or if we
we don't want if to get tracked,
// return null
// reference.getBundle() could be used to
return service;
public void modifiedService(ServiceReference reference, Object
service) {
// nothing todo - only service properties are modified
public void removedService(ServiceReference reference, Object
service) {
// TODO: -> remove service from hibernate service registry
// release this service reference
package org.bibbernet.osgi;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator;
import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext;
import org.osgi.framework.Constants;
import org.osgi.framework.Filter;
import org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker;
public class MyActivator implements BundleActivator {
private ServiceTracker myServiceTracker;
public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
// Create a LDAP-like-Filter which matches the interested services
// or better the interested interfaces the service should implement
Filter filter = context.createFilter("(" + Constants.OBJECTCLASS
+ "=xxx.yyy.zzz)");
myServiceTracker = new ServiceTracker(context, filter,
new MyServiceTrackerCustomizer());
// start tracking
public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
// close ServiceTracker to ensure all service references get
if (myServiceTracker != null) {
The bundle implementing the service then simple needs to announce a
service with one of the watched interfaces - once the service gets
started, hibernate gets announced and could use either the service
object itself or the bundle defining the service - with this approach
you could also use the bundle's classloader to load classes with
bundle.loadClass() or access resources within the bundle with
bundle.findEntries(), etc.
- Martin
On 08/27/2012 07:34 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
Not sure this will actually help with OSGi in terms of
at all after thinking about it some more. The problem is that in order
for auto-discovery to happen, Hibernate would need to have visibility
into the jar defining the service anyway in order to auto-discovery it.
On the bright side, I realized another benefit. It would finally be
possible to report the available types of a particular
service/strategy. For example, show me all the available
ConnectionProviders; all the available Dialects; etc...
On Fri 24 Aug 2012 08:51:09 PM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> Would be nice to consolidate the notions of
> "ServiceAvailabililtyNotifier" and "ServiceContributor" (that I
> added on metamodel). Such that a ServiceContributor would be able to
> regsiter the short names as well.
> On Thu 23 Aug 2012 03:58:10 PM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>> Ok, going to start working this up on master tomorrow. We will just
>> tackle the "going away" problem if/when it actually arises.
>> On Tue 21 Aug 2012 05:55:31 PM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>> Everyone else ok with this idea?
>>> On Tue 21 Aug 2012 08:27:25 AM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>>> Not so concerned about shutdown situations.
>>>> More, imagine a custom ConnectionProvider implementation provided by
>>>> user. And the use case of upgrading that implementation "in
>>>> I think thats the OSGi use case. And not so sure Hibernate should be
>>>> implementing this self healing. I guess it depends how deeply we want
>>>> to support the OSGi model above and beyond JSE/JEE
>>>> Obviously a used ConnectionProvider just going away is going to render
>>>> the SessionFactory using it broken.
>>>> On Tue 21 Aug 2012 08:22:11 AM CDT, Scott Marlow wrote:
>>>>> On 08/20/2012 11:19 PM, Steve Ebersole wrote:
>>>>>> This ties together a few different discussions that have been
>>>>>> going on
>>>>>> simultaneously on the mailing list that I think are all related.
>>>>>> Right now to configure certain services (select one impl over
>>>>>> another)
>>>>>> users generally give the FQN for that impl Class. For example
>>>>>> use
>>>>>> C3P0 connection pooling users would say:
>>>>>> hibernate.connection.provider_class =
>>>>>> We have discussed why this is bad even before any of the OSGi
>>>>>> discussions and the solution we wanted to shoot for was that of
>>>>>> naming
>>>>>> "selectors" such that the user would instead say:
>>>>>> hibernate.connection.provider_class = c3p0
>>>>>> And "c3p0" here would be interpreted to mean
"instantiate and
>>>>>> configure
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Class". But that still means a limited set of short name
>>>>>> *and*
>>>>>> still gives us a problem (iiuc) under OSGi due to visibility.
>>>>>> So what I propose instead is a way for service implementors to
>>>>>> registered under a short name via discovery. The main piece to
>>>>>> this is
>>>>>> the "registry" (which is also a service under the
>>>>>> BootstrapServiceRegistry):
>>>>>> interface AvailableServiceRegistry extends Service {
>>>>>> public<T> Class<? extends T>
>>>>>> findAvailableServiceImplementor(Class<T> serviceRole,
>>>>>> selector);
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> class AvailableServiceRegistryImpl
>>>>>> implements AvailableServiceRegistry,
>>>>>> ServiceRegistryAwareService {
>>>>>> private Map<Class,Map<String,Class>>
availableImplementors =
>>>>>> ...;
>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>> public<T> Class<? extends T>
>>>>>> findAvailableServiceImplementor(Class<T> serviceRole,
>>>>>> selector) {
>>>>>> // purposely simplistic :)
>>>>>> return availableImplementors.get( serviceRole ).get(
>>>>>> selector );
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>> public void injectServices(ServiceRegistryImplementor
>>>>>> serviceRegistry) {
>>>>>> final
>>>>>> notifiers =
>>>>>> serviceRegistry.getService( ClassLoaderService.class
>>>>>> ).loadJavaServices(
>>>>>> ServiceAvailabililtyNotifier.class );
>>>>>> for ( ServiceAvailabililtyNotifier notifier :
>>>>>> ) {
>>>>>> for ( ServiceAvailabililty availability :
>>>>>> notifier.getAvailabilities() ) {
>>>>>> // again, purposely simplistic
>>>>>> Map<String,Class> serviceImplementors
>>>>>> availableImplementors.get( availability.getRole() );
>>>>>> serviceImplementors.put(
>>>>>> availability.getSelector(),
>>>>>> availability.getImplementor()
>>>>>> );
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> Outstanding question... Especially in OSGi, where service
>>>>>> can be
>>>>>> added/removed, how do we best account for cleaning up no-longer
>>>>>> valid
>>>>>> references (even more importantly perhaps, what the hell does it
>>>>>> mean to
>>>>>> Hibernate when a ConnectionProvider implementation, for example,
>>>>>> that is
>>>>>> in use gets taken away?!?). Perhaps this is just where an
>>>>>> OSGi-specific
>>>>>> Hibernate ServiceRegistry implementation would come into play.
>>>>> Adding Jesper as we were talking about how to handle
>>>>> shutdown" at the AS level, which sounds related. Once we take
>>>>> ConnectionProvider away, I would expect the Hibernate
>>>>> session(s)/session factory to be broken. If/when the
>>>>> ConnectionProvider comes back, Hibernate would need to re-establish
>>>>> it. I'm thinking that we need a neutral (autonomic) API/SPI for
>>>>> attempting to re-establish the ConnectionProvider.
>>>>> For the most part, a "quiescence shutdown" of the AS, would
>>>>> keeping the ConnetionProvider alive until the end (of the planned
>>>>> shutdown). I'm thinking that being able to re-establish the
>>>>> ConnectionProvider would still be useful (for AS "quiescence
>>>>> shutdown"), especially if something goes wrong during the
>>>>> and
>>>>> manual intervention is needed.
>>>>> To me, the process of re-establishing the ConnectionProvider,
>>>>> could be
>>>>> labeled "self healing" (with the help of an autonomic
>>>> --
>>>> steve(a)hibernate.org
>>> --
>>> steve(a)hibernate.org
>> --
>> steve(a)hibernate.org
> --
> steve(a)hibernate.org
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