Context is this IRC question:
<rvansa> [08:14:33] sannegrinovero: Hi, may I ask why have you
sometimes added InfinispanTestingSetup as @ClassRule and sometimes as
@Rule in HHH-10001?
[11:06] <jbossbot> [08:14:34] jira [HHH-10001] Make the testsuite
compatible with Infinispan 8 [Closed (Fixed) Task, Major, Sanne
Hi Radim,
I generally wanted to set it as test rule only as that gives a
stricter cleanup verification, but in some cases the excessive
isolation rules would have it fail: apparently some are relying on
previous tests.
That's something which should be cleaned up in the tests I guess but I
only wanted to workaround the API change in the Infinispan testsuite
without risking a semantic change of the tests.. I also didn't have a
good understanding of the purpose of those tests.
If you're interesting in cleaning that up, you should be able to try
changing the @ClassRule instances to @Rule instances and you'll see
the test fail.