On 03/28/2011 04:38 AM, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
as mentioned in the discussion on IRC I am definitely for a move to jandex.
In fact the current metamodel code I am implementing uses jandex.
Personally I did initially not think about the possibility to share the
index between AS7 and Hibernate, but it sounds of course like a good idea.
Unfortunately, I don't know so much about the integration layer between AS
and Hibernate, so if we definitely have to summarize/discuss.
The AS7 jandex context is only available during the deployment of the EE
archive, which works fine for JPA persistence unit definitions. On my
is a Scanner implementation that will use the "deployment time only"
jandex instance to scan the deployments for entities.
In the Scanner implementation, I had to resort to loading classes to
satisfy the current Scanner implementation. Perhaps in the next revison
to the Scanner interface, we might add a method that doesn't return a
Set of Class's but instead just returns the names:
public Set<String<?>> getClassByNamesInJar(URL jartoScan, Set<Class<?
extends Annotation>> annotationsToLookFor)
Maybe we could do the same for getPackagesInJar (return a set of package
names instead of Packages).
One question which comes to my mind is how XML configuration fits into
the picture
here? Sharing a pure annotation repository/inde does not seem to be
Jandex is just an index of annotations, the Scanner.getFilesInJar(URL
jartoScan, Set<String> filePatterns) could probably still be used for
getting XML configuration files.
Another point to consider is that the
org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.Scanner is not covering all Hibernate
integration points, but only the AS JPA integration (as far as I
currently understand it).
On Sun, 27 Mar 2011 19:36:43 +0200, Scott Marlow <smarlow(a)redhat.com>
> We just discussed Hibernate 4.0 annotation scanning the other day and I
> wanted to add to the conversation (which was about using
> As a workaround for
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBAS-9141, I'll
> request a merge of the following change. This is about AS7 setting the
> "hibernate.ejb.resource_scanner" property to
> org.jboss.as.jpa.hibernate.HibernateAnnotationScanner (which implements
> the org.hibernate.ejb.packaging.Scanner interface).
> If we move away from supporting the current Scanner interface in
> Hibernate 4.0, we should discuss the impact on the AS7 scanner
> implementation.
> The HibernateAnnotationScanner class is in this commit (with other
> changes that go with it):
> Scott
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