Register Out Parameters in a Stored Procedure
by David Borja
Hi Hibernate devs ..
I need to execute a stored procedure in DB2 ...
The problem is that i don´t know how to register an out parameter to the
stored procedure. With simple Callable statement would be something like:
String query = "{call P5PORC_CONSULTAR_CUPO_CLIENTE (?,?,?,?,?)}";
CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall(query);
cstmt.setString(1, "1234");
cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.VARCHAR);
cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.INTEGER);
cstmt.registerOutParameter(4, Types.VARCHAR);
cstmt.registerOutParameter(5, Types.VARCHAR);
Thanx ...
17 years, 6 months
Hibernate Search Integration with Verity
by Saphia Thach
Hi Guys,
Can Hibernate Search be easily extended to integrate with other search
engines, like Verity. I'm working on a project which uses Hibernate for data
persistence and Verity as the search engine.
Your comments would be much appreciated.
17 years, 6 months