[Core] stable vs master branch
by Emmanuel Bernard
In case some missed the last IRC meeting.
master is where development occurs
stable is as far as I can guess a 4.0 branch where only changes targeted for the 4.0 release should happen (ideally not at this stage besides doc).
13 years, 3 months
set intellij max java heap to 512 by default
by Strong Liu
Hi there,
the Intellij project metadata generated by gradle idea plugin has default 128M MaxHeadSize, I always run into out of memory.
so, i'm think should we make it to 512M by default?
I already created a patch which can be applied to build.gradle's ideaProject task to do this job
Strong Liu <stliu(a)hibernate.org>
13 years, 3 months
(ClobProxy classloader issue on AS7) help needed with AS7 user forum post
by Scott Marlow
Forum post http://community.jboss.org/message/625679#625679, describes a
possible regression (from Hibernate 3.3.2.GA to whichever version of
Hibernate 4.0.0 they are using.)
From my response:
"For the Hibernate classloader issue, I'm not sure about that one. If
org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.ClobProxy is used on application classes, then
it looks correct for application classes. If that ClobProxy is always
used for Hibernate classes, I think it should always use the
ClobImplementer.class.getClassLoader() class loader.
Also, should I push for an AS7 test case or should we push them over to
create a Hibernate test case? If someone more in the know, wants to
respond directly, all the better. ;)
13 years, 3 months
Hibernate and AOP
by Christophe Cordenier
I have a need to intercept calls to some transient fields (annotated with
custom annotation) of my entities to link the attribute's values to an
external system. I haven't found any documentation about how and when
hibernate instrument entities. If anyone could give me some informations on
where to start (even in source code) ?
Christophe Cordenier.
Committer on Apache Tapestry 5
Co-creator of wooki @wookicentral.com
13 years, 3 months