thanks :)
From: gunnar.morling(a) <gunnar.morling(a)> on behalf of
Gunnar Morling <gunnar(a)>
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 2:57 PM
To: Itai Frenkel
Cc: hibernate-dev(a)
Subject: Re: [hibernate-dev] Possible bug in hibernate-validator ValidatorImpl
2014-08-21 12:38 GMT+02:00 Itai Frenkel
TL;DR: Need an opinion if to open a JIRA (since reproduction is very tricky)
I am using the @UnwrapValidatedValue with a custom Guava OptionalUnwrapper and sometimes
OptionalUnwrapper#getValidatedValueType() is called also for non-Optional<> fields.
The bug reproduction is sporadic and tricky.
If you say sporadic, does it mean validating one and the same POJO sometimes shows the
issue and in some other cases it doesn't, without altering any parts of the code?
I managed to pinpoint it to
ValidatorImpl#setValidatedValueHandlerToValueContextIfPresent() that does not perform
valueContext.setValidatedValueHandler( null ) when there is no need for an unwrapper.
Since valueContext is re-used between fields, it is possible for the OptionalUnwrapper to
be first called for Optional fields and then re-used for non-Optional fields with the same
validatedValueHandler of the Optional field.
Interesting, this doesn't seem correct indeed. Without having a closer look I'd
say the un-wrapper should be reset on the context between validation of different
If the code owner could quickly comment on this, it would be great.
It sounds like a legitimate bug description, so I suggest you move forward and open an
issue in JIRA ( It would be great if you could
attach a complete executable test case which demonstrates the issue.
below are some code snippets I used.
public class SomePOJO {
@DecimalMin(value="0", inclusive=true)
public Integer x = -1;
@DecimalMin(value="1", inclusive=true)
public Optional<Integer> y = Optional.of(-1);
@DecimalMin(value="0", inclusive=true)
public Integer z = -1;
public class OptionalUnwrapper extends ValidatedValueUnwrapper<Optional<?>> {
private final TypeResolver typeResolver;
public OptionalUnwrapper() {
typeResolver = new TypeResolver();
public Object handleValidatedValue(Optional<?> optional) {
return optional == null? null : optional.orNull();
public Type getValidatedValueType(Type valueType) {
final TypeToken<?> typeToken = TypeToken.of(valueType);
if (typeToken.getRawType().isAssignableFrom(Optional.class)) {
Type rawType =
return rawType;
else {
Type rawType = typeToken.getType();
Preconditions.checkArgument(false, "type " + rawType + " is not
supported by " + this.getClass() );
return null;
Thanks for reporting this issue, much appreciated!
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