currently I'm a working for the
jboss.org team, but as you maybe
remember I also created the Envers project (
envers/). I would like to change my scope of work a bit and work
"officialy" on Envers. But, as the logical place to do this would be
in hibernate, this brings the question: would you (= the Hibernate
team) be interested in Envers and in me developing it further? :)
The three main areas in which I would like to develop in Envers are:
- completing support for JPA mappings: joined and table-per-class
inheritance (the rest works already, as far as I know)
- adding support for hibernate-annotations specific mappings - for
example collections of components, relations in components
- integration with Hibernate Search - to enable indexing and searching
of history of an entity
- support for different versioning schemes - like storing only the
fields that changed, instead of the whole entity
- and of course anything else that you suggest :)