How about
d. Use an alias for all skip options:
export mvnFast = "mvn -DskipITs -DskipDocs -DskipDistro”
instead of using a variable, just use an alias. I have several aliases
defined in my ~/.alias file which I source from .bashrc.
This gives a quick build in one command and still allows for fine
granularity if needed.
> Everyone OK with doing a. and b.
> The problem with c. is that making a cross platform script requires time
> but we could make it work for us at least.
> Note that this leaves open what 'mvn clean install' should do.
To me it should include everything by default (hence I'd prefer
-DskipAllExpensive over -Dcomplete)
+100 I absolutely agree. It is much better to include everything by default and allow to
skip things.
It is less error prone when it comes to the important tasks as for example doing a release
or a full build
that really nothing it broken.