can someone enlighten me on how to configure the logging at the moment?
For an issue I am working on I wanted to increase the log level to debug
in the hibernate-core module of master.
As always I went to log4.properties and started to edit it. Needless to
say that nothing happened. First I thought
something must be wrong with the IDE setup, but it turned out the same
from the command line build :(
At some stage while growing more and more frustrated I remembered that
there is talk and work in progress for changing
the logging. I finally checked the logging dependencies where I found:
slf4j_simple: 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:' + slf4jVersion,
jcl_slf4j: 'org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:' + slf4jVersion,
So I take it that we are not using log4j anymore, but how do I configure
logging now? And why do we still have the
log4j.properties files checked in, if they are obsolete?