While merging HHH-5750 from 3.6 branch to master, I encountered a build failure for the
master branch of hibernate-core. This happened on my ubuntu VM. See the error log below.
Apparently some characters in newly introduced files (commit
are unmappable for UTF8.
Should I use a different character set or is something amiss?
Kind regards,
unmappable character for encoding UTF8
* statements applied by the authors. �All third-party contributions are
unmappable character for encoding UTF8
* statements applied by the authors. �All third-party contributions are
unmappable character for encoding UTF8
* statements applied by the authors. �All third-party contributions are
3 errors
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':hibernate-ehcache:compileJava'.
Cause: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
* Try:
Run with -s or -d option to get more details. Run with -S option to get the full (very
verbose) stacktrace.
Total time: 9 mins 49.619 secs
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