It seems that the ValidatorFactoryBean#createConstraintValidatorFactory
is getting called too late for some reason.
http://pastebin.com/WrdD91Hr shows the call stack for
ValidatorFactoryBean#create(CreationalContext<ValidatorFactory> ctx)
which calls createConstraintValidatorFactory, which seems too late
(CdiValidatorFactoryService is shutting down).
To recreate the WildFly ORM 5 issue on WildFly (if you want to see it
yourself), steps are:
1. Build latest ORM master branch (./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal).
2. Build
branch (./build.sh clean install -DskipTests=true).
3. change into wildfly/testsuite/integration/basic folder and run "mvn
clean install -Dtest=*BeanValidationCdiIntegrationTestCase*
To run WildFly with the debugger, cd into
wildfly/dist/target/wildfly-10.0.0.Alpha5-SNAPSHOT/bin and edit the
standalone.conf file. Uncomment the "remote socket debugger" line #57
to look something like the following:
Then start WildFly, via ./standalone.sh and open port 8787 with your
Then run the test (step #3 above) and your debugger breakpoint should be