Did we change Hibernate to automatically enhance/rewrite application
entity classes by default? I remember hearing a few times that we would
but don't remember if that happened.
This is related to WildFly jira WFLY-8858 [1], which I'm not yet sure of
how to completely fix (involves deal with multiple deployment ordering
problems with application level datasources, CDI beanmanagers, parallel
application deployment and application entity class enhancement).
One WildFly issue is that the application datasources aren't available
until late in WildFly deployment but the JPA container needs to register
the JPA classloader level transformers very early, so Hibernate can
rewrite application classes. This is further complicated by our WildFly
CDI implementation needing to read application class definitions.
I wonder if it could make sense for
org.hibernate.jpa.boot.spi.EntityManagerFactoryBuilder to have a
separate way to register the ClassTransformer transformer early and
trigger the PU bootstrap on the first call to registered
ClassTransformer's. If that doesn't happen, then we defer bootstrap
until EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.build() is called.