On 12 juil. 2011, at 10:39, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
> I propose that for issues related to the project (99.9% of the time), we instead use
the numeric part of the issue as a branch name
> eg 'git push manu 123'
See, what you are loosing here is the ability to cut&paste the branch name and then
paste it
into the browser to open the Jira
You mean in the JIRA search bar? Ever tried to type just the number? it uses the last
project you've worked on.
In my case I use Alfred App and type (Alfred Shortcut) jira 123
> As Git repos are naturally scoped to the issues, that should not be a problem and it
will help type less and help git-complete auto completion.
How does this help git-complete? One less tab? I am not convinced. I am not convinced
personally I like the full issue key. It just feels more right.
One less tab and the fact that typing the number is as fast as typing tab pretty much.