Weekly IRC Meeting Logs 2017-07-24
by Adrian Nistor
Hi all,
The weekly meeting logs are attached. jbott is missing in action again.
RIP jbott!
(17:03:54) anistor: dberindei: gustavonalle: jsenko: karesti: pruivo:
rigazilla: rvansa: ttarrant: vblagoje: everybody ready for the meeting?
(17:04:01) vblagoje: +1
(17:04:03) dberindei: sure anistor
(17:04:12) karesti: :o)
(17:04:38) rvansa: braced
(17:04:44) jsenko: anistor: skip me please:/
(17:04:53) jsenko: no updates
(17:04:56) anistor: ok.
(17:04:58) anistor: I believe ttarrant, gustavonalle, ryan and sebastian
are in another meeting right now, so we can skip them too :)
(17:05:32) anistor: #startmeeting
(17:05:39) anistor: #topic anistor
(17:06:20) anistor: it seems jbott died july 14th, and was not
resurected :)
(17:06:53) pruivo: lol
(17:07:37) anistor: last week I helped a bit with reviewing a PR from
gustavo, who implemented json to prorobuf conversion in Protostream.
great work! it is now in, but we'll need to release protostream 4.2 to
make it into ISPN
(17:08:56) anistor: while on the occasion of fiddling with protostream I
restarted my previous work of migrating to protrobuf 3.x schema support,
which might take forever.
(17:10:21) anistor: I also started an article and short tutorial on
using remote infinispan with plain serialization/jboss marshalling with
query et all. no protobuf involved
(17:10:46) anistor: this deserves a blog post too. coming soon
(17:11:14) anistor: that's about all
(17:12:15) anistor: this week I plan to fix whatever is not working in
the deployment of lucene analyzers in wildfly. I hit a wall the requires
debugging wildlfy and I'm a bit stuck. adding more logging did not help ...
(17:12:43) anistor: #topic dberindei
(17:13:34) dberindei: I haven't attended the last meeting as I was on
PTO on Monday
(17:14:02) dberindei: I finally opened a (preview) PR for ISPN-7919
(17:14:03) jbossbot: jira [ISPN-7919] Expose ResponseCollector in the
RpcManager interface [Pull Request Sent (Unresolved) Task, Major, Core,
Dan Berindei] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-7919
(17:14:25) wsiqueir-brb is now known as wsiqueir
(17:15:20) dberindei: in some ways it's a lot less than I wanted to
change, because I'm still using a MapResponseCollector for most RPCs
(17:15:33) dberindei: in other ways maybe I changed too much, because I
had too many test failures to fix :)
(17:16:01) dberindei: I also wrote the usual random PR comments
(17:16:29) dberindei: and I made the xsite tests run in parallel with
(17:16:30) jbossbot: jira [ISPN-5476] Cross-site tests should run in
parallel [Pull Request Sent (Unresolved) Task, Major, Core/Cross-Site
Replication/Test Suite - Core, Dan Berindei]
(17:16:48) dberindei: now waiting for another run in CI
(17:17:37) dberindei: I'm now trying to figure out what's still wrong
with my ISPN-7997 PR, because it seems to break ScatteredStreamIteratorTest
(17:17:38) jbossbot: jira [ISPN-7997]
DistributedStreamIteratorTest.testLocallyForcedStream random failure
[Pull Request Sent (Unresolved) Bug, Critical, Test Suite - Core, Dan
Berindei] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-7997
(17:18:03) dberindei: that's it for me, karesti next?
(17:18:21) karesti: yes, thankyou dberindei
(17:18:28) karesti: #topic karesti
(17:18:44) ttarrant: 654523
(17:18:46) ttarrant: 279432
(17:19:28) ttarrant: 862914
(17:19:50) ttarrant: 611346
(17:19:52) ttarrant: 190773
(17:19:54) ttarrant: 048715
(17:20:05) anistor: ttarrant: lucky or unlucky numbers?
(17:21:19) karesti: last week I was stuck making hotrod multimap work, I
managed to unblock and I will probably open a PR soon. Meanwhile rvansa
came back and thank you for your reviews etc ! so we merged ISPN-7752
(17:21:20) jbossbot: jira [ISPN-7752] Merge [Pull Request Sent
(Unresolved) Sub-task, Major, Katia Aresti]
(17:21:23) ttarrant: anistor, :)
(17:21:27) vblagoje: it is his ybikey
(17:22:36) karesti: I reported rvansa and other's comments on
(17:22:37) jbossbot: git pull req [infinispan] (open) Katia Aresti
ISPN-7993 Encoding support on functional maps
(17:22:38) jbossbot: jira [ISPN-7993] Functional commands don't support
Data convertions [Pull Request Sent (Unresolved) Feature Request, Major,
Core, Katia Aresti] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-7993
(17:24:32) karesti: and
https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/5193 can be reviewed and
merged just after 7993. I would like to do it this week. Embedded
multimap is experimental and a separate building block, so even if its
not perfect yet, tis can be easily changed and improved
(17:25:09) rvansa: karesti: isn't 7993 blocked by Gustavo?
(17:25:23) karesti: rvansa I don't know if this can be merged or not
(17:25:51) karesti: I mean, I don't know if 7993 is acceptable and after
Gustavo will come with his huge PR and modify it
(17:26:18) karesti: but meanwhile my work can be merged on master
(17:26:29) rvansa: karesti: carrying (default) encoding classes brings a
regression for embedded mode
(17:27:14) karesti: rvansa, hm
(17:28:40) karesti: rvansa, I'm going to continue with hotrod and give a
reviewable PR to advance tis work and move on, based on my code that
makes encoding work and I can adance
(17:29:22) karesti: so nothing will be merged yet, but the idea was to
merge soon on 9.2 multimap so we can test it etc and improve
(17:29:32) karesti: I'm going to move forward with locks too
(17:29:48) karesti: so this is what I will be doing this week
(17:30:12) karesti: locks only in embedded mode
(17:30:24) karesti: pruivo, next ?
(17:30:38) pruivo: yes, thanks karesti
(17:30:42) pruivo: #topic pruivo
(17:30:47) pruivo: hi all,
(17:30:57) pruivo: last week I work in 2 fronts :)
(17:31:27) pruivo: I'm writing the test suite for the HR client transactions
(17:31:37) pruivo: and I spent some time reviewing PRs
(17:32:11) pruivo: and did some "blogging" about the counters (including
a simple tutorial)
(17:33:00) pruivo: this week, I'm handling the comments on HR server
transactions and reviewing PRs (you have some comments! :))
(17:33:17) pruivo: also, I'll be on PTO next Wednesday (/cc ttarrant
(17:33:56) pruivo: and I'm going to try to finish the HR client before
the end of the week (although there are a bunch of API tests that need
to be done :()
(17:34:04) pruivo: and I think that's it...
(17:34:08) pruivo: rigazilla, next?
(17:34:29) rigazilla: sure thanks pruivo
(17:34:33) rigazilla: #topic rigazilla
(17:34:58) rigazilla: short week for me the last one since it started on Wed
(17:35:39) rigazilla: I worked on merging a C# pr from mgencur, with
some new tests on Authentication
(17:36:07) rigazilla: in the while I discovered a bug in the swig/C#
integration and I'm currently working on it
(17:36:22) rigazilla: mmm think all for me
(17:36:44) rigazilla: rvansa: next?
(17:38:30) rigazilla: or vblagoje?
(17:38:32) vblagoje: let me go until rvansa comes back
(17:38:35) vblagoje: ok
(17:38:40) vblagoje: #topic vblagoje
(17:39:20) vblagoje: Last week I investigated how we can reuse existing
DMR data/ops and somehow plug it into our JMX ecosystem
(17:39:57) vblagoje: It turns out we already have this solution in EAP
and I tried it out, made sure that all our existing DMR is exposed
through JMX and it is
(17:40:05) vblagoje: This is amazing
(17:40:44) vblagoje: Because we don’t have to potentially now rewrite or
abandon the entire DMR data/ops we worked on for years now
(17:41:14) vblagoje: We could support both DMR and JMX and expose our
data and ops that way. I want to investigate this in more detail this week
(17:41:47) vblagoje: On the dev front in my agile cycle I had two issues
I resolved: ISPN-7649 and ISPN-7642
(17:41:48) jbossbot: jira [ISPN-7649] Administration console -
transaction tab allows to set invalid options [Pull Request Sent
(Unresolved) Bug, Major, Console, Vladimir Blagojevic]
(17:41:48) jbossbot: jira [ISPN-7642] Administration console - remote
sites are not displayed correctly on cache container page [Coding In
Progress (Unresolved) Bug, Major, Console, Vladimir Blagojevic]
(17:42:24) vblagoje: Well, one in in PR queue and for the other I want
to hear remerson’s opinion. But both should be resolved by weeks end
(17:42:57) vblagoje: I have another issue or two on my plate that I want
to complete by Monday
(17:43:03) vblagoje: And that’s it from me
(17:43:09) vblagoje: ping rvansa
(17:43:18) rvansa: #topic rvansa
(17:43:33) rvansa: Last week I've been coordinating my work with Katia
(17:44:14) rvansa: Most of the time I've worked on adding functional
commands to scattered cache, since merge() should use funcs; I am close
to finishing that work
(17:44:15) karesti: rvansa, you can totally say you've been harnessed by me
(17:44:58) karesti: rvansa, so you reviewed haha thanks again btw :)
(17:45:01) rvansa: I've been also asked to check some backports in
Hibernate 2LC 5.1
(17:45:33) rvansa: This week I'd like to look on the testSplit failures
(17:45:54) rvansa: and then create a reproducer for the missing value
for QueryInterceptor
(17:46:13) rvansa: Howgh
(17:46:23) rvansa: anistor: endmeeting?
(17:46:23) karesti: rvansa, I can work on the reproducer this week too
(17:46:34) anistor: rvansa: yes
(17:46:40) anistor: #endmeeting
(17:47:10) anistor: dberindei: karesti: pruivo: rigazilla: rvansa:
ttarrant: vblagoje: thank you all!
7 years, 5 months
9.1.1, 9.2 and 9.1.x branch
by Tristan Tarrant
Hey all,
i just wanted to clarify the situation with master and the releases.
I would like to tag 9.1.1 as soon as possible with 0 testsuite failures
(other fixes are also acceptable).
As soon as that is done we can branch for 9.2.
Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
7 years, 6 months
tuned profiles for Infinispan ?
by Sanne Grinovero
Hi all,
tuned is a very nice utility to apply all kind of tuning options to a
machine focusing on performance options.
Of course it doesn't replace the tuning that an expert could provide
for a specific system, but it gives people a quick an easy way to get
to a reasonable starting point, which is much better than the generic
out of the box of a Linux distribution.
In many distributions it runs at boostrap transparently, for example
it will automatically apply a "laptop" profile if it's able to detect
running on a laptop, and might be the little tool which switches your
settings to an higher performance profile when you plug in the laptop.
There's some good reference here:
- https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/...
It's also easy to find it integrated with other tools, e.g. you can
use Ansible to set a profile.
Distributions like Fedora have out of the box profiles included which
are good tuning base settings to run e.g. an Oracle RDBMS, an HANA
database, or just tune for latency rather than throughput.
Communities like Hadoop also provide suggested tuned settings.
It would be great to distribute an Infinispan optimised profile? We
could ask the Fedora team to include it, I feel it's important to have
a profile there, or at least have one provided by any Infinispan RPMs.
7 years, 6 months
Infinispan 9.1.0.Final
by Tristan Tarrant
Dear all,
it is with great pleasure that we are announcing the release of
Infinispan 9.1.
This release contains a number of great features:
- conflict resolution
- scattered caches
- clustered counters
- HTTP/2 support for the REST endpoint
- batching support for cache stores
- locked streams
- cache creation/removal over Hot Rod
- endpoint admin through the console
- ... and much more
So please check out the full announcement:
Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
7 years, 6 months
Feedback for PR 5233 needed
by Adrian Nistor
This pr [1] adds a new approach for defining the compat marshaller class
and the indexed entity classes (in server), and the same approach could
be used in future for deployment of encoders, lucene analyzers and
possilby other code bits that a user would want to add a server in order
to implement an extension point that we support.
Your feedback is wellcome!
[1] https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/5233
7 years, 6 months
Write-only commands
by Radim Vansa
I am working on entry version history (again). In Como we've discussed
that previous values are needed for (continuous) query and reliable
listeners, so I wonder what should we do with functional write-only
commands. These are different to commands with flags, because flags
(other than ignore return value) are expected to break something. I see
the available options as:
1) run write-only commands 'optimized', ignoring any querying and such
(warn user that he will break it)
2) run write-only without any optimization, rendering them useless
3) detect when querying is set up (ignoring listeners and maybe other
stuff that could get broken)
4) remove write-only commands completely (and probably functional
listeners as well because these will lose their purpose)
Right now I am inclined towards 4). There could be some internal use
(e.g. multimaps) that could use 1) which is ran without a fancy setup,
though, but it's asking for trouble.
Radim Vansa <rvansa(a)redhat.com>
JBoss Performance Team
7 years, 6 months
Jenkins SSL and signup
by Sebastian Laskawiec
Our Jenkins CI now has SSL enabled with Let's Encrypt certificate:
https://ci.infinispan.org (please update your bookmarks).
I also turned the signup button off. This doesn't effect our community
since everyone can see the build logs.
In case you need an account - just let me know.
Red Hat EMEA <https://www.redhat.com/>
7 years, 6 months