Kaan Bingol edited comment on DROOLS-711 at 4/1/16 2:25 AM:
I think the issue still persists in 6.3.0.Final. I have tested in a similar setup to the
reported one. Client driver project only depends on kie-ci 6.3.0.Final and when the kie
container is tried to be constructed, kie module unable to build due to the same reasons.
However, if I remove "declare" statement from the rule file, it works or if I
add the dependency of rules project (the one that build and uploaded into maven
repository) into the main container project pom while still constructing the kie container
from maven repo the issue is also gone. However, both are not feasible solutions since
declare statement is used for CEP and adding dependency contradicts whole building kie
container from maven repository concept.
was (Author: klaath):
I think the issue still persists in 6.3.0.Final. I have tested in a similar setup to the
reported one. Client driver project only depends on kie-ci 6.3.0.Final and when the kie
container is tried to be constructed, kie module unable to build due to the same reasons.
However, if I remove "declare" statement from the rule file, it works or if I
add the dependency of rules project (the one that build and uploaded into maven
repository) into the main container project pom while still constructing the kie container
from maven repo the issue is also gone. However, both are not a feasible solutions since
declare statement is used for CEP and adding dependency contradicts whole building kie
container from maven repository concept.
Kie Server unable to build KieBase which builds fine with
kie-maven-plugin and unit test
Key: DROOLS-711
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 6.2.0.CR4, 6.2.0.Final
Environment: kie-server on WildFly 8.2.0.Final running with JDK 8
Reporter: Matteo Mortari
Assignee: Mark Proctor
Attachments: 20150213.DROOLS-711.zip
I have deployed Kie Server kie-server-distribution-wars-6.2.0.CR4-ee7.war on WildFly
I have a simple rule base in the project {{client-test-rules}} as per below, in a kie
project structured as kie-drools-archetype, which passes all test and install in m2 repo
with {{mvn clean install}}.
package com.acme.client_test_rules;
declare Measurement
rule "keep latest Measurement ID"
salience 1000
$old : Measurement( $id : id )
$new : Measurement( id == $id , this after $old )
System.out.println("keep latest old : "+$old+" new (kept): "+$new);
Then I issue Kie Server commands, using the client library, using project {{client-test}}
to instantiate a container for the same artifact, but in the wildfly logs I get the
following error below - which doesn't happen for kie-maven-plugin nor during unit
test. Please note I'm assuming user {{kieserver}} with password {{kieserver}} is a
valid user for the Kie Server Realm, or configure wildfly or the code in the project
{{client-test}} accordingly to your environment =).
09:41:41,700 ERROR [org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.AbstractKieModule] (default
task-4) Unable to build KieBaseModel:kbase1
Unable to create Field Extractor for 'id'Field/method 'id' not found for
class 'com.acme.client_test_rules.Measurement'
: [Rule name='keep latest Measurement ID']
java.lang.RuntimeException: Field/method 'id' not found for class
Unable to create Field Extractor for 'id'Field/method 'id' not found for
class 'com.acme.client_test_rules.Measurement'
: [Rule name='keep latest Measurement ID']
java.lang.RuntimeException: Field/method 'id' not found for class
Field Reader does not exist for declaration '$id' in 'predicate 'id ==
$id'' in the rule 'keep latest Measurement ID' : [Rule name='keep
latest Measurement ID']
Unable to Analyse Expression id == $id:
[Error: unable to resolve method using strict-mode:
[Near : {... id == $id ....}]
[Line: 12, Column: 4] : [Rule name='keep latest Measurement ID']
Can you kindly verify if some bug is hiding behind this odd behavior, please?
Thank you
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