rafitanba [
http://community.jboss.org/people/rafitanba] created the discussion
"Re: problem about running jbpm5"
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Hi Hui!
Ok, I'll try to enumerate my steps...
1. I created a jBPM project in Eclipse. The workspace path is
*${install.home}/workspace/MyJBPMProject*. The main java class is *ProcessTest.java* and
it is included into the *com.sample* package.
2. Then I created my jbpm files. I have a main process and a number of subprocesses...
Their Id follows a *myprocess.xxxxxxx* pattern. All these files are stored in
*${install.home}/workspace/MyJBPMProject/src/main/resources* so I edited the *build.xml*
file in order to update the *"-Djbpm.console.directory"* parameter.
3. Once I had finished the process design, I created the Human Task forms. As you know,
ftl files should follow this pattern: *{task_name}.ftl*. After that, I created the needed
map to send data to the form, and I used the ResultMapping to receive data from the form.
4. I also have script tasks. I have written their code in Java by means of a number of
methods within the ProcessTest class.
5. Then I captured the diagram of all of my processes using the PNG format. Their names
follow this pattern: *{Id_process}.png*. (i.e. myprocess.whatever.png). I don't know
exactly what size the png file should be. Kris, can you give us a hint?
6. Deployment process: I went to *${install.home}/jboss-4.2.3.GA/server/default/deploy*
and I opened *jbpm-gwt-console-server.war*.1. I created the */WEB-INF/classes/com/sample*
directory and I put *ProcessTest.class* and *ProcessTest.java* there.
2. I opened the */WEB-INF/lib/jbpm-gwt-form-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar* file and I put my **.ftl*
files there.
3. I opened the */WEB-INF/lib/jbpm-gwt-graph-5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar* file and I put my **.png*
files there.
And I think that's all. That's what I did and it worked for me!
Good luck!
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