
  • 1 participants
  • 105 discussions
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-527) Adding PMD to build system
by Romain PELISSE (JIRA)
12 years, 1 month
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-682) add emma code coverage to build
by Jonathan Halliday (JIRA)
12 years, 1 month
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-486) Refactor log store
by Mark Little (JIRA)
12 years, 1 month
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-673) Investigate other object store implementations
by Mark Little (JIRA)
12 years, 1 month
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-634) Make sources and javadoc available
by Thomas Diesler (JIRA)
12 years, 1 month
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-633) Generate meaningful POM
by Thomas Diesler (JIRA)
12 years, 1 month
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-631) Generate proper maven artefacts
by Thomas Diesler (JIRA)
12 years, 1 month
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-659) support ipv6
by Jonathan Halliday (JIRA)
12 years, 2 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-576) update unit tests
by Jonathan Halliday (JIRA)
12 years, 2 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBTM-522) Update UID to support ipv6 and ipv4
by Mark Little (JIRA)
12 years, 2 months
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