[JBoss JIRA] (JBTM-1160) NoClassDefFoundError for Logging related packages when jbossjts is started in standalone mode.
by Kamala Sreenivasan (JIRA)
Kamala Sreenivasan created JBTM-1160:
Summary: NoClassDefFoundError for Logging related packages when jbossjts is started in standalone mode.
Key: JBTM-1160
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-1160
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: Configuration
Affects Versions: 4.16.4
Environment: Windows
Reporter: Kamala Sreenivasan
Assignee: Tom Jenkinson
Priority: Minor
When the start-transaction-service-bat is run, then the following exceptions are thrown
Exception - NoClassDefFoundError - org/jboss/logging/Logger
Reason - The jboss-logging.jar is not in classpath
Solution - This file is present in the lib\ext folder of $JBOSSTS_HOME. Add it to the classpath
Exception - NoClasDefFoundError - org/sl4j/LoggerFactory
Reason - The sl4j jars are not present in the classpath
Solution - Add the slf4j-api-1.5.6.jar and slf4j-jdk14-1.5.6.jar present in the $JBOSSTS_HOME\jacorb\lib folder to the classpath
Note - logkit-1.2.jar is present in the classpath. The sl4j jars should replace the logkit-1.2.jar
These above items can be updated in the setup-env.bat file
Add the following in the setup-env.bat file
set EXT_CLASSPATH=%EXT_CLASSPATH%;%JBOSSTS_HOME%\lib\ext\jboss-logging.jar
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