[JBoss JIRA] (JBTM-2297) Store docker image for service(s) in JBoss repo
by Mark Little (JIRA)
Mark Little created JBTM-2297:
Summary: Store docker image for service(s) in JBoss repo
Key: JBTM-2297
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2297
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Task
Components: JTS, REST, XTS
Affects Versions: 5.0.3
Reporter: Mark Little
Assignee: Michael Musgrove
We have a repo for JBoss project docker images. Store our final version (not POC version I created) there. Also see if this also suggests a way of distributing and storing the docker file to create it/them. I'm assuming we don't need to store this information within the Narayana repo, but perhaps we do and in which case we'll probably need a docker directory.
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBTM-2296) Provide better way of distributing IOR to users
by Mark Little (JIRA)
Mark Little created JBTM-2296:
Summary: Provide better way of distributing IOR to users
Key: JBTM-2296
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2296
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: JTS
Affects Versions: 5.0.3
Reporter: Mark Little
Assignee: Tom Jenkinson
Original JIRA shows I used github. Maybe that's fine. Maybe not. Consider other options (too, or instead).
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBTM-2267) Create a docker image with JTS transaction manager and recovery manager
by Mark Little (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2267?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Mark Little commented on JBTM-2267:
There's no obvious place where this stuff can be checked in for now so I'll add the information here. I'll also create a few relevant JIRAs.
First all relevant builds and files can be found https://github.com/nmcl/docker-narayana
Start with a Fedora image.
Then using the Dockerfile run 'docker build .'
Start the image using 'docker run -i -t <id>'
The Dockerfile is basic. It uses a pre-built version of Narayana and then starts the recovery manager and transaction manager. The resulting IOR for the transaction manager is stored in the CosServices.cfg within the running docker image. It (or the contents) need to be copied or made available to a client running outside of the image, so we can show that we have a transactionmanager-as-a-service. I used git for this and pushed the CosServices.cfg up to the aforementioned git repo, pulling it down from there to a local fedora instance. But there has to be a better way of doing this.
Anyway, once you've got the CosServices.cfg file, use the modified TMTest client to check to see that we can create a transaction in the running Docker image. Output should show this to be the case, e.g., see attached image.
This is a POC. It works and demonstrates what's possible. But it needs tidying up at least. See associated JIRAs.
> Create a docker image with JTS transaction manager and recovery manager
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBTM-2267
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2267
> Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
> Issue Type: Task
> Components: JTS
> Affects Versions: 5.0.3
> Reporter: Mark Little
> Assignee: Mark Little
> Attachments: Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 18.35.40.png
> Should help with a) using docker and b) providing transactions-as-a-service.
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBTM-2287) JTS mode sends an erroneous xa_end to resource manager if prepare() returns RMFAIL
by Tom Jenkinson (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2287?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Tom Jenkinson updated JBTM-2287:
Summary: JTS mode sends an erroneous xa_end to resource manager if prepare() returns RMFAIL (was: JTS recovery module forgets about transaction -> transaction never recovered)
> JTS mode sends an erroneous xa_end to resource manager if prepare() returns RMFAIL
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBTM-2287
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2287
> Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
> Issue Type: Bug
> Affects Versions: 4.17.15
> Environment: EAP 6.2.4 with JBoss Transactions 4.17.15
> Reporter: Christian von Kutzleben
> Assignee: Tom Jenkinson
> Fix For: 5.0.4
> The scenario is as follows (and works fine with JTA, see below):
> Two XAResources in the same transaction, with xid1 and xid2, respectively.
> (For better readability, log file excerpts are referenced and provided at the end of the description.)
> start xid1
> start xid2
> end xid1, tmsuccess
> prepare xid1 -> XAException.XAER_RMFAIL; provoked, txn is indeed prepared in our test case
> end xid1, tmfail -> against XA protocol, however silently ignored by us
> [error1 printed in log file]
> end xid2, tmfail
> rollback xid2
> [error2 printed in log file]
> [JTS: periodic, but fruitless recovery attempts]
> as an effect, the transaction branch is never recovered and the dead transaction hangs around forever in the database; it looks like, as if the JTS recovery component forgot to early about that transaction, so does not do any rollback/commit decision for the reported to-be-recovered transaction
> with JTA the call sequence is as follows:
> start xid1
> start xid2
> end xid1, tmsuccess
> prepare xid1 -> XAException.XAER_RMFAIL; provoked, txn is indeed prepared in our test case
> rollback xid1 //this races with recovery module, but in any case, will be rolled back
> end xid2, tmfail
> rollback xid2
> [JTA: periodic, successfull recovery]
> With JTA, rollback might even be triggered twice (second invocation ignored by us)
> here the log file excerpts, Xids printed with own toString() impl, because of JBTM-2284)
> [JTA: periodic, successfull recovery]
> 10:48:20,646 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:48:20,646 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131077-
> 10:48:23,689 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Rolled back xid < formatId=131077, gtrid_length=29, bqual_length=36, tx_uid=0:ffff0a6a3229:7115eb6e:54647e4c:29, node_name=1, branch_uid=0:ffff0a6a3229:7115eb6e:54647e4c:2a, subordinatenodename=null, eis_name=unknown eis name >
> [JTS: periodic, but fruitless recovery attempts]
> 09:59:49,664 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 09:59:49,665 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 09:59:58,022 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 09:59:58,022 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:06,067 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:06,067 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:14,184 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:14,184 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:22,275 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:22,275 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:30,329 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:30,329 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:38,377 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:38,377 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:46,493 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:46,493 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:54,545 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:54,545 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> [error1]
> 09:59:46,904 WARN [com.arjuna.ats.jts] (EJB default - 4) ARJUNA022223: ExtendedResourceRecord.topLevelAbort caught exception: org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN: Server-side Exception: null
> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) [rt.jar:1.7.0_25]
> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:57) [rt.jar:1.7.0_25]
> at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) [rt.jar:1.7.0_25]
> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:526) [rt.jar:1.7.0_25]
> at org.jacorb.orb.SystemExceptionHelper.read(SystemExceptionHelper.java:223) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at org.jacorb.orb.ReplyReceiver.getReply(ReplyReceiver.java:319) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.invoke_internal(Delegate.java:1090) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.invoke(Delegate.java:957) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._invoke(ObjectImpl.java:80) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS._ArjunaSubtranAwareResourceStub.rollback(_ArjunaSubtranAwareResourceStub.java:75)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.resources.ExtendedResourceRecord.topLevelAbort(ExtendedResourceRecord.java:445)
> at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.doAbort(BasicAction.java:2875)
> at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.doAbort(BasicAction.java:2854)
> at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.phase2Abort(BasicAction.java:1924)
> at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.End(BasicAction.java:1494)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.ArjunaTransactionImple.commit(ArjunaTransactionImple.java:375)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.ControlWrapper.commit(ControlWrapper.java:243)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.CurrentImple.commit(CurrentImple.java:247)
> at com.arjuna.ats.jts.extensions.AtomicTransaction.commit(AtomicTransaction.java:276)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.TransactionImple.commitAndDisassociate(TransactionImple.java:1296)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.BaseTransaction.commit(BaseTransaction.java:130)
> at com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.BaseTransactionManagerDelegate.commit(BaseTransactionManagerDelegate.java:75)
> at org.jboss.as.ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.endTransaction(CMTTxInterceptor.java:92) [jboss-as-ejb3-7.3.4.Final-redhat-1.jar:7.3.4.Final-redhat-1]
> [error2]
> 09:59:46,962 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK
> 09:59:46,962 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.ArjunaTransactionImple.commit(ArjunaTransactionImple.java:414)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.ControlWrapper.commit(ControlWrapper.java:243)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.CurrentImple.commit(CurrentImple.java:247)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.jts.extensions.AtomicTransaction.commit(AtomicTransaction.java:276)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.TransactionImple.commitAndDisassociate(TransactionImple.java:1296)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.BaseTransaction.commit(BaseTransaction.java:130)
> 09:59:46,964 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.BaseTransactionManagerDelegate.commit(BaseTransactionManagerDelegate.java:75)
> 09:59:46,964 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at org.jboss.as.ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.endTransaction(CMTTxInterceptor.java:92)
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 3 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBTM-2287) JTS recovery module forgets about transaction -> transaction never recovered
by RH Bugzilla Integration (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2287?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
RH Bugzilla Integration updated JBTM-2287:
Bugzilla Update: Perform
Bugzilla References: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1166754
> JTS recovery module forgets about transaction -> transaction never recovered
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBTM-2287
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBTM-2287
> Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
> Issue Type: Bug
> Affects Versions: 4.17.15
> Environment: EAP 6.2.4 with JBoss Transactions 4.17.15
> Reporter: Christian von Kutzleben
> Assignee: Tom Jenkinson
> Fix For: 5.0.4
> The scenario is as follows (and works fine with JTA, see below):
> Two XAResources in the same transaction, with xid1 and xid2, respectively.
> (For better readability, log file excerpts are referenced and provided at the end of the description.)
> start xid1
> start xid2
> end xid1, tmsuccess
> prepare xid1 -> XAException.XAER_RMFAIL; provoked, txn is indeed prepared in our test case
> end xid1, tmfail -> against XA protocol, however silently ignored by us
> [error1 printed in log file]
> end xid2, tmfail
> rollback xid2
> [error2 printed in log file]
> [JTS: periodic, but fruitless recovery attempts]
> as an effect, the transaction branch is never recovered and the dead transaction hangs around forever in the database; it looks like, as if the JTS recovery component forgot to early about that transaction, so does not do any rollback/commit decision for the reported to-be-recovered transaction
> with JTA the call sequence is as follows:
> start xid1
> start xid2
> end xid1, tmsuccess
> prepare xid1 -> XAException.XAER_RMFAIL; provoked, txn is indeed prepared in our test case
> rollback xid1 //this races with recovery module, but in any case, will be rolled back
> end xid2, tmfail
> rollback xid2
> [JTA: periodic, successfull recovery]
> With JTA, rollback might even be triggered twice (second invocation ignored by us)
> here the log file excerpts, Xids printed with own toString() impl, because of JBTM-2284)
> [JTA: periodic, successfull recovery]
> 10:48:20,646 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:48:20,646 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131077-
> 10:48:23,689 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Rolled back xid < formatId=131077, gtrid_length=29, bqual_length=36, tx_uid=0:ffff0a6a3229:7115eb6e:54647e4c:29, node_name=1, branch_uid=0:ffff0a6a3229:7115eb6e:54647e4c:2a, subordinatenodename=null, eis_name=unknown eis name >
> [JTS: periodic, but fruitless recovery attempts]
> 09:59:49,664 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 09:59:49,665 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 09:59:58,022 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 09:59:58,022 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:06,067 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:06,067 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:14,184 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:14,184 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:22,275 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:22,275 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:30,329 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:30,329 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:38,377 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:38,377 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:46,493 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:46,493 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> 10:00:54,545 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Found 1 XA transactions to recover.
> 10:00:54,545 INFO [com.versant.odbms.XARecoveryResource] (Periodic Recovery) Versant JPA: Xid to recover: 131072-
> [error1]
> 09:59:46,904 WARN [com.arjuna.ats.jts] (EJB default - 4) ARJUNA022223: ExtendedResourceRecord.topLevelAbort caught exception: org.omg.CORBA.UNKNOWN: Server-side Exception: null
> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) [rt.jar:1.7.0_25]
> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.java:57) [rt.jar:1.7.0_25]
> at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) [rt.jar:1.7.0_25]
> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:526) [rt.jar:1.7.0_25]
> at org.jacorb.orb.SystemExceptionHelper.read(SystemExceptionHelper.java:223) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at org.jacorb.orb.ReplyReceiver.getReply(ReplyReceiver.java:319) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.invoke_internal(Delegate.java:1090) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at org.jacorb.orb.Delegate.invoke(Delegate.java:957) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at org.omg.CORBA.portable.ObjectImpl._invoke(ObjectImpl.java:80) [jacorb-2.3.2.redhat-6.jar:2.3.2.redhat-6]
> at com.arjuna.ArjunaOTS._ArjunaSubtranAwareResourceStub.rollback(_ArjunaSubtranAwareResourceStub.java:75)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.resources.ExtendedResourceRecord.topLevelAbort(ExtendedResourceRecord.java:445)
> at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.doAbort(BasicAction.java:2875)
> at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.doAbort(BasicAction.java:2854)
> at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.phase2Abort(BasicAction.java:1924)
> at com.arjuna.ats.arjuna.coordinator.BasicAction.End(BasicAction.java:1494)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.ArjunaTransactionImple.commit(ArjunaTransactionImple.java:375)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.ControlWrapper.commit(ControlWrapper.java:243)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.CurrentImple.commit(CurrentImple.java:247)
> at com.arjuna.ats.jts.extensions.AtomicTransaction.commit(AtomicTransaction.java:276)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.TransactionImple.commitAndDisassociate(TransactionImple.java:1296)
> at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.BaseTransaction.commit(BaseTransaction.java:130)
> at com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.BaseTransactionManagerDelegate.commit(BaseTransactionManagerDelegate.java:75)
> at org.jboss.as.ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.endTransaction(CMTTxInterceptor.java:92) [jboss-as-ejb3-7.3.4.Final-redhat-1.jar:7.3.4.Final-redhat-1]
> [error2]
> 09:59:46,962 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK
> 09:59:46,962 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.coordinator.ArjunaTransactionImple.commit(ArjunaTransactionImple.java:414)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.ControlWrapper.commit(ControlWrapper.java:243)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jts.orbspecific.CurrentImple.commit(CurrentImple.java:247)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.jts.extensions.AtomicTransaction.commit(AtomicTransaction.java:276)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.TransactionImple.commitAndDisassociate(TransactionImple.java:1296)
> 09:59:46,963 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.jts.BaseTransaction.commit(BaseTransaction.java:130)
> 09:59:46,964 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at com.arjuna.ats.jbossatx.BaseTransactionManagerDelegate.commit(BaseTransactionManagerDelegate.java:75)
> 09:59:46,964 ERROR [stderr] (EJB default - 4) at org.jboss.as.ejb3.tx.CMTTxInterceptor.endTransaction(CMTTxInterceptor.java:92)
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 3 months