Tomohisa igarashi commented on JBTM-640:
I saw this on a real Windows XP machine. Is this windows specific issue?
On my environment, entries.hasMoreElements() of ZipFile returns META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file
at first.
It seems that META-INF directory does not exists at that moment cause this error.
startEmbeddedTools may try to create a file without making parent
Key: JBTM-640
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Tooling
Affects Versions: 4.6.1
Reporter: Tomohisa igarashi
Attachments: tsmx-mkParentDir.svndiff
startEmbeddedTools() from EmbeddedTools mbean may try to create a file without making
parent directory, and end with FileNotFoundException.
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