Ondrej Chaloupka updated JBTM-3138:
Status: Resolved (was: Pull Request Sent)
Resolution: Done
XTS txbridge does not run commit when 1PC is used, prepared phase
fails on crash recovery later
Key: JBTM-3138
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Bug
Components: XTS
Affects Versions: 5.9.5.Final
Reporter: Ondrej Chaloupka
Assignee: Ondrej Chaloupka
Priority: Critical
Attachments: server.log, stacktrace.txt
As it seems the crashed inbound txbridge participant finished with rollback after
recovery is run on the prepared participant.
In scenario
* WS call to the WFLY server
* inbound bridge injects the JTA transactions as subordinate under the WS AT one
* prepare is called and the 2PC phase finishes
* commit phase starts and JVM crashes
* restart of WFLY server
* recovery is expected to commit the participants
the outcome is rollback for the participant not the commit as it's expected. This way
the data consistency could be harmed.
This was discussed at the forum
https://developer.jboss.org/thread/279243 as follow-up to
the issue JBTM-3079.