Michael Musgrove commented on JBTM-3331:
If the LRA has gone we used to return 404 NOT_FOUND. But the spec was changed to also
allow returning Response.Status.GONE and Response.Status.PRECONDITION_FAILED. So we just
need to include those two codes in the list of expected response codes for a join
LRA end should not return internal server error when precondition
fails as it's considered behaviour by spec
Key: JBTM-3331
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Bug
Components: LRA
Affects Versions: 5.10.5.Final
Reporter: Ondrej Chaloupka
Assignee: Ondrej Chaloupka
Priority: Critical
I've spent some time with
https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBTM-3318 recently and I
have a doubt about behaviour of the LRA. The JBTM-3318 consists of race condition on
starting/enlisting/timeouting the LRA.
The same issue makes failing the `TckTests#timeLimit` and
`TckRecoveryTests#testCancelWhenParticipantIsUnavailable` on our slow AMS CI.
I don't want to talk now about the TCK failure but about the related behaviour of the
Narayana implementation.
The LRA participant defines the {{timeLimit}}
And what happens is that the client (TCK test) calls the LRA method, the JAX-RS filter
starts a LRA on coordinator, meanwhile the timeout limit elapses, the JAX-RS filter tries
to enlist the LRA participant to started LRA but it fails as the LRA was cancelled because
of timeout.
Now. The possible non-deterministic Narayana behaviour is that in case of failure on LRA
participant enlistment the client may or may not get internal server error.
It's because the LRA in timeouted state on client is tried to be cancelled (see
The {{NarayanaLRAClient#endLRA}} tries to cancel the LRA. But as the coordinator
timeouted the LRA then now depends if recovery already removed the LRA or not. If the LRA
was not removed yet then {{412, PRECONDITION FAILED}} is returned. If the recovery made it
then {{404, NOT FOUDN}} is returned.
Now the {{endLRA}} considers the {{404}} as not a failure that is considered as {{500,
INTERNAL SERVER ERROR}} while the {{412, PRECONDITION FAILED}} is considered as internal
server error. That should not be that way as the LRA spec considers {{412}} as
"correct" error (see
Such an anticipated return state should not be reported to client as {{500}} - {{internal
server error}}.