Michael Musgrove updated JBTM-3216:
Status: Resolved (was: Pull Request Sent)
Resolution: Done
Narrow the default recovery configuration in the
jbossts-properties.xml files
Key: JBTM-3216
Project: JBoss Transaction Manager
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: Configuration, JTA, JTS
Affects Versions: 5.10.0.Final
Reporter: Ondrej Chaloupka
Assignee: Ondrej Chaloupka
Priority: Minor
There is default configuration for Narayana provided in XML files
{{jbossts-properties.xml}}. They are part of the released jar files (they can be found at
`META-INF` directory).
These configuration files are different depending on the artifact. For example
configuration defined in {{jbossts-properties.xml}} for JTS is different from JTA version
- e.g. recovery modules are different and so.
The configurations should be a bit narrowed to use better defaults. The discussion about
this topic is at