
  • 2 participants
  • 170 discussions
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2534) sun-jaxws.xml generation doesn't respect @MTOM
by Alessio Soldano (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2010) Select the right operation metadata when using Dispatch
by Alessio Soldano (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2878) When I use @Addressing JAX-WS annotation and a reply URI for a JSP page the service response with the reply to the JSP page but then it tries to also respond to the JAX-WS client and it throws an exception
by Carl Roberts (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2830) EnvelopeBuilderDOM: buildSOAPHeader, reduce log level to debug for text node types.
by Daniel Bevenius (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2845) NullPointerException deploying JAX-WS endpoint with types in target namespace ending with '#'
by Darran Lofthouse (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2856) wsprovide.sh fails while processing webservice annotated with @WebServiceProvider
by Peter Skopek (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2876) Add xmldsig xsd to the schemas resolvable offline
by Alessio Soldano (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2851) Remove JAXRPC API interfaces from jbossws-native-jaxrpc
by Richard Opalka (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2846) Service.create(java.net.URL, javax.xml.namespace.QName) should throw javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException not org.jboss.ws.metadata.wsdl.WSDLException
by Darran Lofthouse (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBWS-2810) UnifiedMetaData uses thread context loader to find classes, this can lead to javassist.NotFoundException
by Johannes Rudolph (JIRA)
14 years, 9 months
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