http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS-2177?page=comments#action_12412611 ]
Richard Opalka commented on JBWS-2177:
At the moment we're using the following approach:
There's /etc/mavenrc shell script on
jbws.dyndns.org machine
that has the following content:
This file is processed each time mvn command is called.
We're setting MAVEN_OPTS_HOOK=-Djava.endorsed.dirs=$JBOSS_INSTANCE/lib/endorsed in
config.xml files in hudson scripts to propagate this to maven.
I'm not able to do it better at the moment. I failed with the following attempts:
* specify java.endorsed.dirs in pom.xml in maven-surefire-plugin using
* specify java.endorsed.dirs on mvn commandline using e.g. the following command: mvn
-Ptestsuite,hudson,jboss500 -Djava.endorsed.dirs=$JBOSS_AS_TAG_500_BETA4/lib/endorsed
Investigate how to better propagate endorsed dirs to surefire plugin
Key: JBWS-2177
Project: JBoss Web Services
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: jbossws-integration
Reporter: Richard Opalka
Assigned To: Richard Opalka
We are using ugly hack at the moment to propagate endorsed dirs to surefire maven plugin,
this needs to be investigated much more better
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