[JBoss jBPM] - Re: Unable to locate current JTA transaction
by crued
"shilpa.kumar(a)indussoft.com" wrote : I am also getting the same error. I am working on jbpm3.2.2\jbpm-jpdl-3.2.2 & websphere 6. I am able to connect and give token.signal but at state-end i am getting this error.
| | org.jbpm.db.JobSession deleteJobsForProcessInstance org.hibernate.TransactionException: Could not register synchronization
| |
| Can you please help me. I already running behind time. and saw all sites from almost 2 weeks. but still not getting any solution.....
I don't have a solution, but I'm experiencing the same problem, I think. In my case, I'm manually clicking "End" while viewing a process instance in the jbpm-console web app.
I've followed the stack traces and found that the reason that the synchronization couldn't be registered is because of a NullPointerException that occurs inside CMTTransaction on line 156:
| 154: public void registerSynchronization(Synchronization sync) throws HibernateException {
| 155: try {
| 156: getTransaction().registerSynchronization(sync);
| 157: }
| 158: catch (Exception e) {
| 159: throw new TransactionException("Could not register synchronization", e);
| 160: }
| 161: }
So for some reason, getTransaction() is returning null...
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16 years, 7 months
[JBoss jBPM] - reopen a process instance ?
by memius
Is it conceptually correct (and if so, technically possible) to reopen a closed process instance ?
Consider next situation : you have an insurance dossier that is functionally 'closed' (all payments done, everyone happy, etc...)
But ... there is always the option that new data pops up and this dossier has to be 'reopened'. Let's say that this can happen within 5 years after 'closing' the dossier.
How do you put this in a process ?
You could eg. create a time for five years and after that, close the process instance (but even then it seems to be functionally possible to have the need to reopen a dossier).
or you could leave the process instance open (but all process instances would stay alive then :s).
What is the normal way of doing this ? It appears to me that this kind of process occurs a lot (medical files, accountancy, law suit, ...)
Btw, I consider the correct concept more important than the technical jbpm possible solutions.
Dieter D'haeyere.
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16 years, 7 months