All Jackrabbit template ddl files are in the jackrabbit-core jar. That
would be a good place to start.
On 9/6/11 12:18 PM, puja nandamuri wrote:
the account configured for the repository database has the following
change of permissions after the intial tables creation by Guvnor.
changed db_owner to db_datareader,db_datawriter and as usual, it has
public rights.
I am not an database expert but, should not the above permissions
allow for ( DatabaseMetaData#getTables) ?
any pointers on what exactly might be the sql used in this case ?
--- On *Mon, 9/5/11, Tihomir Surdilovic /<tsurdilo(a)>/* wrote:
From: Tihomir Surdilovic <tsurdilo(a)>
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Guvnor repository database use to store
To: rules-users(a)
Date: Monday, September 5, 2011, 11:02 AM
Jackrabbit will not try to create any new tables after it
initially created them. However it does call a
*PersistenceManager.checkSchema() method which AFAIK tries to read
from the db metadata ( DatabaseMetaData#getTables). If the user
does not have permissions to do that, it will fail which I think
is the case in your scenario.
On 9/5/11 1:04 PM, puja nandamuri wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry, I think the original question I had asked still seems to
> have been unanswered.
> This is the question I had.
> does Guvnor keep creating additional tables as per the need or is
> the Table structure that Guvnor creates in the beginning where
> all the assets are stored remains the same until we manually
> delete the Tables?
> after creating rules and assets for several days, we had to re
> deploy a freshly compiled Guvnor war file( everything remaining
> the same) using the same repository xml and same database
> connected through jndi datasource.
> In other words, just the war file has been recompiled. we also
> deleted the workspace and repository directories previously
> created by Guvnor.
> The DBA had locked the userid permissions to prevent any new
> table creation in the Guvnor database.
> During Guvnor startup, Guvnor had complained about not having
> permission to create Tables.
> My question is :
> why does Guvnor need to create any additional tables and not use
> the existing Table structure in the database.
> I would appreciate any thoughts on this.
> --- On *Sun, 9/4/11, Nicolas Héron
> /<>
> </mc/compose?>/* wrote:
> From: Nicolas Héron <>
> </mc/compose?>
> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Guvnor repository database use to
> store assets
> To: "Rules Users List" <rules-users(a)>
> </mc/compose?to=rules-users(a)>
> Date: Sunday, September 4, 2011, 10:52 PM
> Hi,
> Sorry, but you do not have to delete the workspace
> directory. Not sure where you are getting this from? In
> cases where you have a large number of packages/assets in
> Guvnor it is rather recommended _not_ to delete the
> search indexes written onto the file system, because it
> takes extra time to re-create them.
> May be it is recommended. But when you modify a lot the
> assets, rename, copy, delete,etc.. Guvnor gets lost.
>> At startup, Jackrabbit (containent in Guvnor) reads all
>> the database and creates the two directories. You do not
>> need to backup them.
> Again, I don't know where you are getting this from.
> Jackrabbit does _not_ read the entire DB on startup and
> does not write any of the JCR content stored in an RDBMS
> to the file system if you have configured it to store to
> the RDBMS. If you for any weird reason are seeing this on
> your end, you should really have another look at your
> repository.xml.
> The search indexes, they are stored on the file system no ?
> And with no index, you cannot reach any of the assets. So
> when you delete thoses directories, at startup, they are
> re-created and the database is read. I do not know what is
> read, but it can take quite some times, depending on the size
> of the package. Now If there is a way to store thoses indexes
> in the database, I would be happy to know how.
> The project I am on has many rules and many big web decision
> tables that end up with more than 100000 rules. I am using
> 5.3 snapshot with MVEL beta6 => Startup time =5 minutes and
> building the package, 3 to 5 minutes on a HP G6 processor. On
> my PC that has an i5 processor and a 32 bits linux, I cannot
> build anymore the package.
> With those sizes, which is not that much, Guvnor/jackrabbits
> gets lots on the indexes : it gives jackrabbit exceptioorn or
> spaces are not considered. So then, what I do is delete those
> two directories and restart guvnor and everything is fine again.
> Thanks
> Nicolas
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