Rule Package Names do fit ?
Object Package Names do fit ? - can be checked in eclipse
hope this helps,
Darko Ivancan
On 07/12/2007 22:39, Jason Lee wrote:
Hi. I'm pretty new to drools (this is my second week :). When
I try
to create a new package in the BRMS by importing from a DRL file, I
get this error message, which I'm hoping someone more experienced can
make sense of:
Unable to import into the package. [Unable to process import:
javax.jcr.RepositoryException: failed to resolve path relative to
Empty path element: : Empty path element: ]
There's no stack trace in the logs that I can see (the BRMS is hosted
by GlassFish, fwiw). The DRL is 188 lines long. Not too long, I
guess, but I'll not clutter things unless someone really needs to see
my (ugly) rules file. :P Thanks!