Thanks for the very comprehensive description. We did a lot of fixes
related to syntax problems and map support in the last few weeks. In
particular, I believe the problems reported in your first item are all
Can you please test with the latest snapshot? Don't forget to update your
MVEL jar as well.
For the second item, it may or may not be fixed. If you can check with
the latest snapshot and open a JIRA in case it is not working, I will fix it
and include in the 5.3.final release.
2011/10/7 zstlaw <zstlawre(a)akamai.com>
I have a large pool of errors I would like help with but I am
breaking them
up by topic since they are so different in nature. I have made fairly
simple examples to start.
Environment : Using drools 5.2.0.Final on Linux using the openjdk 6 JDK.
First are some bugs in Map access when using a local variable or a object
variable as key. This is a very simple case which gets more complicated in
my next example in this email. The rule file will not compile despite
appearing logically valid to me.
/* simple example class */
package com.sample;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Mailbox {
static public final String TEST_EMAIL = "me(a)test.com";
public Map<String, Date> recentContacts = new
public Mailbox() {
owneremail = TEST_EMAIL;
// create contact for self
recentContacts.put(owneremail, new Date());
public Map<String, Date> getRecentContacts() {
return recentContacts;
/* simple rule file */
// this rule is nonsensical but attempts hashmap access via many means to
find out why
// behavior was inconsistant. Each commented line will cause file to not
compile when uncommented.
// the uncommented lines are present to show what does work.
package com.sample
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import com.sample.Mailbox;
rule "check recentContacts hash mvel"
dialect "mvel"
$m : Mailbox(
// Each commented line will result in the file no
longer compiling
if uncommented
$me : owneremail,
recentContacts[Mailbox.TEST_EMAIL] != null,
recentContacts["me(a)test.com"] != null,
// recentContacts[owneremail] != null, // HAS ERROR
because it checks
HashMap for owneremail
recentContacts[$me] != null,
$d1 : recentContacts[Mailbox.TEST_EMAIL],
$d2 : recentContacts["me(a)test.com"],
// $d3 : recentContacts[$me], // HAS ERROR only when
doing variable
recentContacts.get(owneremail) != null,
recentContacts.get($me) != null,
// $d4: recentContacts.get($me), // HAS ERROR only if
doing variable
$d5 : getRecentContacts(),
$d6 : getRecentContacts().size,
0 < 1
System.out.println( "recentContacts were accessible" );
Any suggestions? Not being able to access objects in a hash is
And it gets worse if objects are not base java classes as I find even
enums getting handled erratically when used as keys. Some time I need to
use the full name but using a method I can use different expression and
it work. Moving to next problem now this is my real problem. Please note
that I was not initially usign an inner static enum but moved it there to
make example a single file.
/* more complicated version of class */
package com.sample;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class Mailbox {
// taken straight form example code
static public class Message {
public static final int HELLO = 0;
public static final int GOODBYE = 1;
private String message;
private int status;
public String getMessage() {
return this.message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public int getStatus() {
return this.status;
public void setStatus(int status) {
this.status = status;
static public enum FolderType {INBOX, SENT, TRASH};
static public final String TEST_EMAIL = "me(a)test.com";
private Map<FolderType, List<Message>> folders = new
HashMap<FolderType, List<Message>>();
public Map<String, Date> recentContacts = new
private String owneremail;
public Mailbox(String username) {
owneremail = username;
// create contact for self
recentContacts.put(owneremail, new Date());
// create default folders
folders.put(FolderType.SENT, new ArrayList<Message>());
folders.put(FolderType.TRASH, new ArrayList<Message>());
folders.put(FolderType.INBOX, new ArrayList<Message>());
/** parameterized accessor */
public List<Message> getFolder(FolderType t) {
return folders.get(t);
public Map<FolderType, List<Message>> getFolders() {
return folders;
public Map<String, Date> getRecentContacts() {
return recentContacts;
public String getOwneremail() {
return owneremail;
/* more complicated rule */
package com.sample
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import com.sample.Mailbox;
import com.sample.Mailbox.FolderType;
import com.sample.Mailbox.Message;
rule "check folders hash mvel"
dialect "mvel"
$m : Mailbox(
// Each commented line will result in the file no
longer compiling
$type1 : FolderType.INBOX,
$type2 : com.sample.Mailbox$FolderType.INBOX,
$work1 : getFolder(null),
$work2 :
$work3 :
// getFolder(FolderType.INBOX), // HAS ERROR - unable
to resolve
using strict mode
getFolder($type1) != null,
// $err1 : getFolder($type1), // again HAS ERROR only
when doing
variable assignment
getFolder($type2) != null,
// $err2 : getFolder($type2), // again HAS ERROR only
when doing
variable assignment
getFolder($type1).size() > 0,
// $err3 : folders[FolderType.INBOX], // HAS ERROR
// $err4 :
folders[com.sample.Mailbox.FolderType.INBOX], // HAS
ERROR - bad path syntax obviously
// $err5 :
folders[com.sample.Mailbox$FolderType.INBOX], // HAS
// folders[$type1]!=null, // HAS ERROR
// folders[$type2]!=null, // HAS ERROR
$work6 : folders,
$work7 : folders.size,
// $err6: folders.size(), // HAS ERROR
// $err7: folders.isEmpty(), // HAS ERROR
// folders.get(FolderType.INBOX)!=null, // HAS ERROR
folders.get(com.sample.Mailbox.FolderType.INBOX)!=null, // HAS
ERROR - bad path syntax obviously
folders.get(com.sample.Mailbox$FolderType.INBOX)!=null, // HAS
// folders.get($type1)!=null, // HAS ERROR
// folders.get($type2)!=null, // HAS ERROR
$work8 : getFolders(),
$work9 : getFolders().size,
// getFolders().size(), // HAS ERROR
0 < 1
System.out.println( "folders were accessible" );
Now you can see my real problem. Dealing with a hash of enum to other
object I get a lot of odd behavior on hash keying depending on how I make
each call and while I really need to store the result to do many
I can not unless I hardcode the parameter by which I am accessing the data
which would profoundly weaken the rules I am writing.
While I could register every object in the hash the problem then becomes
profusion of meta objects and the management of them especially given the
memory leaks not fixed until 5.3.Final is released.
Thank you for any assistance!
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