I'll preface this by saying this may not be the correct way to do this, so
suggestions welcome...
For this example, the name can be something like 'collector1',
For each collector, there are normalized stats, like 'CPU', 'IO', etc.
// Imports and other stuff
declare InstanceHealth
rule "Iostats above 90 over 5 seconds"
$mih:InstanceHealth($id:id, $luid:name, $stat:stat )
from entry-point "stat-stream"
$measure : Number( doubleValue > 90 )
from accumulate(
InstanceHealth( $inst:name==$luid, $value:value,
over window:time( 5s ) from entry-point "stat-stream",
logger.warn( "--------Average--------------" );
logger.warn( $mih.hashCode() + " // "+$stat +" //
"+$id+" :
"+$luid +" == "+$measure );
// doStuff based upon the name and stat
rule "Log instance"
$m:InstanceHealth($id:id, $stat:stat, $inst:name, $v:value )
from entry-point "stat-stream"
logger.warn( "------------Instance--------------" );
logger.warn( "--"+$inst+" == "+$stat +" value =
"+$v );
So the 'Iostats above 90 over 5 seconds' rule is trying to match up stats
with collectors so there are no cross-products (stats aren't accumulated
across collectors and each stat type gets it's own evaluation). This
actually seems to be working, except the InstanceHealth objects don't seem
to be being evicted and I'm apparently getting multiple activations (?).
Note when I remove the line w/ the $mih binding, things get evicted fine but
I don't have access to the name, stat, etc. TIA.
A snippet of a log (I can confirm that three different iostats were inserted
for collector2)
getObject()=com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth : null,
getPropagationContext()=PropagationContextImpl [activeActivations=0,
dormantActivations=15, entryPoint=EntryPoint::stat-stream,
factHandle=1:19:1003982845:1003982845:19:stat-stream, leftTuple=null,
originOffset=-1, propagationNumber=13, rule=null, type=0]]
2011-09-23 11:35:16,004 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
2011-09-23 11:35:16,004 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
1302111244 // iostats // null : collector2 == 91.0
2011-09-23 11:35:16,004 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
2011-09-23 11:35:16,004 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
158787804 // iostats // null : collector2 == 91.0
2011-09-23 11:35:16,004 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
2011-09-23 11:35:16,004 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
1785305512 // iostats // null : collector2 == 91.0
getObject()=com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth : null,
getPropagationContext()=PropagationContextImpl [activeActivations=0,
dormantActivations=20, entryPoint=EntryPoint::stat-stream,
factHandle=1:21:1340153218:1340153218:21:stat-stream, leftTuple=null,
originOffset=-1, propagationNumber=16, rule=null, type=0]]
2011-09-23 11:35:16,100 [Insertion Thread] INFO
mediator.RulesExecutionService - inserting
com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth : null...
2011-09-23 11:35:16,101 [Insertion Thread] WARN
mediator.RulesExecutionService -
object=com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth : null
propagationContext=PropagationContextImpl [activeActivations=0,
dormantActivations=20, entryPoint=EntryPoint::stat-stream,
factHandle=1:21:1340153218:1340153218:21:stat-stream, leftTuple=null,
originOffset=-1, propagationNumber=16, rule=null, type=0]>
2011-09-23 11:35:16,101 [Insertion Thread] INFO
mediator.RulesExecutionService - ...done inserting
<com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth@4fe11d82 timeStamp=Fri Sep 23
11:35:16 CDT 2011 stat=cpu value=88.0 id=null version=null
Instance=com.poc.mediator.domain.Instance : null>
2011-09-23 11:35:16,108 [Insertion Thread] INFO
mediator.RulesExecutionService - inserting
com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth : null...
2011-09-23 11:35:16,109 [Insertion Thread] WARN
mediator.RulesExecutionService -
object=com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth : null
propagationContext=PropagationContextImpl [activeActivations=2,
dormantActivations=19, entryPoint=EntryPoint::stat-stream,
factHandle=1:23:1092542236:1092542236:23:stat-stream, leftTuple=null,
originOffset=-1, propagationNumber=17, rule=null, type=0]>
2011-09-23 11:35:16,109 [Insertion Thread] INFO
mediator.RulesExecutionService - ...done inserting
<com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth@411edf1c timeStamp=Fri Sep 23
11:35:16 CDT 2011 stat=iostats value=85.0 id=null version=null
Instance=com.poc.mediator.domain.Instance : null>
getObject()=com.poc.mediator.domain.InstanceHealth : null,
getPropagationContext()=PropagationContextImpl [activeActivations=2,
dormantActivations=19, entryPoint=EntryPoint::stat-stream,
factHandle=1:23:1092542236:1092542236:23:stat-stream, leftTuple=null,
originOffset=-1, propagationNumber=17, rule=null, type=0]]
2011-09-23 11:35:16,160 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
2011-09-23 11:35:16,161 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
--collector1 == iostats value = 85.0
2011-09-23 11:35:16,161 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
2011-09-23 11:35:16,161 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
--collector2 == cpu value = 88.0
2011-09-23 11:35:17,013 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
2011-09-23 11:35:17,014 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
1302111244 // iostats // null : collector2 == 92.0
2011-09-23 11:35:17,014 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
2011-09-23 11:35:17,014 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
158787804 // iostats // null : collector2 == 92.0
2011-09-23 11:35:17,014 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
2011-09-23 11:35:17,014 [Rule-Execution-Thread] WARN WorkingMemory -
1785305512 // iostats // null : collector2 == 92.0
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