I'm using the Drools Integration server (5.5) (with a persisted stateful
ksession) and a java client that is sending events via httpclient.
Most of the time, things work fine. Sometimes, when I restart the
integration server, when it comes back up I I start getting messages (all
following msgs to the server fail with a 500 (internal) error):
org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.impl.WebApplicationExceptoinMapper toResponse
WARNING: WebApplicationException has been caught : No converter
specified for class org.drools.command.runtime.BatchExceutionCommandImpl
---- Debugging information ----
version : null
To fix this problem, I need to:
1) stop the client sending messages to the integration server,
2) restart the integration server
3) once it's up, I send a single message (which is successfully processed)
4) turn the client back on, and everything is just fine.
It appears as if the Integration server doesn't like receiving messages as
it is coming up. Does anyone have any thoughts about what is going on here
and how to mitigate?
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